I was reading my Weekly and doing the puzzles as I have done for many years, with my six-year-old grandson who was keen to help me. My son-in-law was busy in the garden and I was going to enjoy my time with Grandson. My son-in-law came in for a cuppa and my little grandson snatched my NZWW and quickly shoved it behind the couch. I quietly asked him, “Why did you do that?” His answer was, “Gran, it’s only for women, so Dad wouldn’t like me looking at that magazine as I’m a boy.”
Granny Robert, Oamaru
This week’s winner receives a set of teacups from the wide range at Farmers.
How to enter:
Submit your Teacups story by emailing [email protected] or mail it (with your name and address on the back of the envelope) to: Over the Teacups, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.
Teacups submissions must be original. Please allow up to eight weeks for delivery of prizes.