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Teacup of the week: cats can do

Our family cat was missing for a few days, and Mum suggested she may have decided to live with a family that wasn’t so noisy. “We can get another cat,” Six-Year-Old said. “How about a kitten?” asked Mum. “No,” he said. “We need a cat that can lay its own kittens. We don’t need a boy because cats do it by themselves. My friend’s got a girl cat but no boy cat and it had kittens.”


*Joseph’s Nana, Hamilton


This week’s winner receives a set of teacups from the wide range at Farmers.

How to enter:


Submit your Teacups story by emailing [email protected] or mail it (with your name and address on the back of the envelope) to: Over the Teacups, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.

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