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Stronger nails

oy nails split straight down when they get to the tip of my fingers, why is this happening? Please help.



It sounds to me like you have a condition called onychoschiza. The term onychoschizia includes splitting, frail, soft or thin nails and nails with ridges. It is a very common condition, especially with women.

The causes of onychoschizia are: Repetitive and prolonged wetting and drying of the fingernails, vitamin deficiency, nail polish remover and even trauma to the fingers contributes to onychoschizia.

There are a few things that can help treat this condition: The best treatment is to avoid repeated wetting and drying of the nails. Try to wear cotton-lined rubber gloves when cleaning and performing chores that may cause you to get your hands wet. Rub lotions that contain alpha-hydroxy acids such as NeoStrata or lanolin into the nails both before and after getting your hands wet. If you cant avoid trauma to the nail tips, keep your nails cut short. Never peel or scrape off nail polish!


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