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Simon Gault: Nut replacement

What can you substitute for cashew butter?

I’m cooking dinner for my sister-in-law and her husband. He’s allergic to cashew nuts, which is a shame, because the recipe I want to make calls for cashew butter. Can I replace it with other nuts?


You need to ascertain how far his allergy reaches. You can substitute almond or peanut butter, but almonds, like cashews, are tree nuts, and people who can’t have cashews are often allergic to other tree nuts.

The peanut is different because it’s a type of legume, so may be safer. Give your sister-in-law a call to run it by her.

Alternatively, seeds will also work. Use pumpkin or sunflower seeds, blend witha dash of salt and sunflower oil to get the right consistency. You could even add flaxseeds to create a nuttier flavour.


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