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Simon Gault – Banana wine

Have you ever heard of it?I nearly keeled over when a friend of mine mentioned that she was making banana wine. Such a bizarre thing can’t be real. I’ve heard of feijoa and blackberry wine, but banana? No, I just don’t believe it! It looks like you need to open your mind to new possibilities. Yes, you can indeed make banana wine – it’s a traditional drink of east Africa, playing a major role in social events and cultural rituals. The process is a bit long-winded to go into here; obviously it involves lots of cutting, boiling – and waiting. If you can resist drinking your banana wine for a year, it will be at its very best and the colour is an amazing bright yellow. Check online and YouTube for lots of how-to guides!

I nearly keeled over when a friend of mine mentioned that she was making banana wine. Such a bizarre thing can’t be real. I’ve heard of feijoa and blackberry wine, but banana? No, I just don’t believe it!


It looks like you need to open your mind to new possibilities. Yes, you can indeed make banana wine – it’s a traditional drink of east Africa, playing a major role in social events and cultural rituals. The process is a bit long-winded to go into here; obviously it involves lots of cutting, boiling – and waiting. If you can resist drinking your banana wine for a year, it will be at its very best and the colour is an amazing bright yellow. Check online and YouTube for lots of how-to guides!

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