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Healing broken capillaries

I have been using an alcohol-based toner on my face which seems to have caused multiple broken capillaries on my cheeks and chin. I’ve stopped using the toner, but I still look like a tomato! Please help.



The good news is that broken capillaries – which are small, dilated blood vessels – will eventually fade and shrink over time on their own. The bad news is, unless you’ve got the cash to pay for expensive laser surgery, there’s not much you can do to speed up the process.

The best thing you can do for now is to use a light foundation on your face to disguise the redness until the capillaries heal. Continue to care for your complexion with your usual cleansing and moisturising routine and try using products formulated for sensitive skin.

As with most medical conditions, prevention is the best cure, so understanding how broken capilliaries form and who gets them is a step in the right direction. Causes can include using harsh cleaners and exfoliants, food allergies, sun exposure, frequent nose-blowing, extreme temperature variations, being fair-skinned, getting older (skin becomes more delicate with age) and having certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure.


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