Like a box of Christmas chocolates, the astrological outlook promises sweet moments and few hard nuts to crack, but positivity, planning and being prepared for trouble spots will smooth the way into 2020.
Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

Instead of Christmas carols, it might be Aretha Franklin’s “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” you’ll be belting out this month.
With Venus, planet of harmony, in your house of stability until December 20, treating people fairly – and ensuring you’re treated equally fairly – will be very important to you.
It might be tempting to compromise or sacrifice to make life easier for other people, but if this leaves you short-changed, you’ll end up resentful.
Meanwhile, January 2 is an ideal day to set goals for your career steps and financial plans in 2020.
Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Feeling romantic? Love planet Venus is in your sign until December 20.
Romance and fun have never been more appealing than work and obligations, which is somewhat unusual for a productivity-oriented Capricorn – but maybe it’s just what you (and your relationship) need.
Singles could find likely suitors appearing out of nowhere (especially on December 13 and 15) – and by the way, partnerships started at this time have the potential to go the distance.
A partial solar eclipse in your sign on Boxing Day is a powerful time to set goals for 2020.
Aquarius: January 21 – February 19

‘Tis the season for overspending, and you’re going to have to work extra hard to avoid a budget blowout this year.
On December 19, cerebral Mercury and deluded Neptune clash in your house of finances, making ill-advised spending decisions all too easy.
Speaking of money, December 13 is a wonderful day to donate to those less fortunate this festive season – if not with cash, then time.
Considering a new venture or business in 2020? Bold Jupiter is on your side.
Focusing on what you truly value (beyond money) could provide the impetus.
Pisces: February 20 – March 20

Is it time to start something new?
With Mars, planet of motivation, in your house of adventure until early January, the promise of a new chapter has never been more alluring.
While most people are winding down over summer, you could make serious headway on plans to retire, take a sabbatical or study break, or perhaps become a small-business owner.
Meanwhile, struggling relationships will be under pressure from December 20 into January, with love planet Venus in your house of endings – you might put a painful chapter behind you or completely walk away.
Aries: March 21-April 21

While everyone else is packing up presents and getting creative with leftovers, a savvy Aries will devote Boxing Day to 2020 plans.
A powerful partial solar eclipse falls in your house of career and long-term plans, helping you mastermind what you want your year to look like – think big, and don’t let fear hold you back.
In the same vein, December 27 is a great day for vision-boarding.
Meanwhile, with communication planet Mercury in an intense zone for most of December, festive gatherings might involve deep and meaningful conversations (think: death, sex and philosophy).
Taurus: April 22 – May 21

Tension and conflict are forecast for your relationships this month, thanks to the influence of aggressive Mars.
To navigate through the discord, employ a little empathy towards your loved one(s).
On the upside, this could be an opportunity to air and finally resolve grievances that have been simmering under the surface.
Meanwhile, honesty may be the best policy, but you need to be careful how you gift-wrap it.
Planetary alignments on December 13 and January 2 will likely make you outspoken – avoid being judgemental or you could cause serious upset.
Gemini: May 22 – June 22

Striking a balance between idealism and realism could be tricky this month.
On December 8, it’ll be easy to get carried away and lose sight of the facts.
The December 12 full moon in your sign may inspire you to pursue passion projects or career opportunities that set your soul on fire, but your pragmatic side will probably baulk.
If you can balance your passion with fears surrounding time or money, 2020 could shape up to be a year like no other.
Cancer: June 23 – July 23

It may be party season, but you’d probably prefer a night on the sofa to socialising. And with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, now in your house of relationships, quality time with your partner and close family is more appealing than small talk with workmates and distant relatives.
The December 12 full moon might shake things up, prompting you to let go of anything that’s past its expiry.
This may include friendships that have become hard work or lifestyles that no longer reflect who you are.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Leo: July 24 – August 23

You might need to channel your inner Jacinda Arden (a fellow Leo) – strong leadership and personal power are big themes this month.
On December 15, a rare meet-up between Jupiter, planet of expansion, and Uranus, planet of change, in your house of leadership pushes you to make a bold move and go against the grain – and others may be inspired to follow suit.
Big energy on December 26 will help you chart a course for 2020 goals.
Set clear limits on December 22 – give someone an inch, and they’ll take a mile.
Virgo: August 24 – September 23

You won’t have to wait until Valentine’s Day to feel the love. With cerebral Mercury in your house of romance until December 28, you’ll be inclined to take a playful approach to relationships.
If you’re single, you could flirt up a storm, and if you’re in a relationship, a fun date night – ideally one that doesn’t involve staring at phones – could do wonders for your partnership.
From December 20 into January, love planet Venus’s influence could bring couples closer together and singles into the path of someone promising.
Libra: September 34 – October 23

You’re a fun-loving sign by nature, but what people don’t realise is you crave stability – especially in relationships.
A December 11 alignment between Venus and Saturn, the planets of relationships and responsibility, will raise questions about how secure you feel in your partnership, while the influence of Pluto, planet of hidden truths, on December 13 could bring secret fears to the surface.
The Boxing Day partial solar eclipse is a perfect time to focus on feeling more secure in your home life and relationships – including your relationship with yourself.
Scorpio: October 24 – November 22

At this time of year you’re probably exhausted, so it’s easy to default to negativity – and a December 8 clash between the confident Sun and foggy Neptune won’t help.
Avoid blaming and complaining, which may be satisfying initially but will leave you bitter.
Thankfully, your mood will shift and, by Boxing Day, a partial solar eclipsein your house of ideas will help you feel hopeful about creating a better year.
It’s best to avoid solving problems until mid-January (you’ll be sharper mentally).

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