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Problem puffy eyes

I’m only 13 years old, but my eyes are always puffy and sore in the mornings. Can I fix this problem without having to buy expensive products?



Here are a few tips that will help with puffy eyes. You may not have time to try all of these in the morning before school, but some can be done just before bed instead and still be effective.

  • Immediately after you wake up, splash your entire face with the coldest water you can stand. Use cold tap water or add ice cubes to a large bowl or tub of water. Splash your face and eyes for up to five minutes, if possible.

  • Prepare two tea bags by soaking them in water, wringing them out and chilling them in the fridge or freezer. once they’re chilled, lie down and place the bags on your closed eyelids for five to ten minutes.

  • Cut two slices off a cold cucumber, each approximately half-an-inch thick. Place a slice on each eyelid for five minutes.

  • Drink lots of water. Puffy eyes often indicate water retention, which you can alleviate by drinking plenty of liquids to flush excess salt from your system.

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