Home Health Body & Fitness

Beat the winter blues

With winter setting in, it’s too easy to let the cold weather get you down. But it doesn’t take much to lift your chilly moods.

  • Getting more light into your home will help to boost the serotonin levels, so start by opening your blinds and curtains.

  • You can also keep your serotonin levels up by getting outside as much as possible and soaking up the winter sun.

  • Try to eat high quality carbohydrates such as nuts, fruits, vegetables, beans and soups. As well as being nutritious, these foods keep you full and alert throughout the day.

  • Exercise! This is beneficial in any season, but the natural endorphin lift proves an effective way to battle the winter blues.

  • Light a fire, walk in the rain or buy a new coat. Revel in the season and treat yourself!

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