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Megan Alatini proudly introduces her first grandchild

The TrueBliss singer has an adorable new addition to her girl gang
Megan Alatini with her granddaughter Ala and daughter Tonica
Nani Megz with Ala and daughter Tonica. “There’s an abundance of open arms for our first moko,” says the star.
Pictures: Amalia Osborne

It’s not every day that four generations of women come together for a special family photoshoot, but TrueBliss star Megan Alatini and her close-knit whānau have a lot to celebrate.


The singer, her mum Barbara and daughter Tonica already share the tightest of bonds, but now as they introduce the newest member of their girl gang, they say their love is even stronger since the arrival of baby Ala.

“Becoming a grandmother is the most amazing thing,” says Megan or “Nani Megz” as she’s now known. “It’s almost like you fall in love with your child all over again when she becomes a mum herself.

“It’s extremely special knowing the generational lines are continuing on and that I had a small part to play in that. I’ve always been totally soul-connected with my mother and my daughter, and now I feel like baby Ala is a part of that too. It’s beautiful.”

The past year has been a momentous one for Megan, 48, who not only became a grandmother, but celebrated the 25th anniversary of iconic Kiwi girl band TrueBliss and announced her engagement to partner Natalie McDade after quietly separating from her rugby-star husband Pita Alatini several years earlier.

Megan Alatini cradling her granddaughter

Starting a same-sex relationship wasn’t something she saw coming, but the mum-of-three has always been someone who follows her heart. And right now, her heart feels fit to burst.

“Life is great,” says Megan, chatting alongside Tonica, 29, who’s holding Ala, and Barbara, 69. “There’s definitely been some challenges in the past few years, but I have so much gratitude for this amazing family I’m part of. Everyone immerses this baby in love and care. Because we have such a massive extended family, there’s an abundance of open arms for our first moko.”

Baby Ala was born on 14 August, surprising Tonica and her partner Brandon Tipene by arriving four weeks early. While Megan had hoped to be at her daughter’s side for the birth, the labour happened so fast, she was still in the hospital car park when Ala made her entry into the world, weighing in at a tiny 2.6kg.


“I was gutted to miss it!” says Megan. The star lives just a few minutes’ drive from Tonica and Brandon in central Auckland. “But I made it in time to get her dressed in her first outfit and for cuddles.”

Megan Alatini cradling and kissing her granddaughter

Tonica, who works in advertising, admits she wasn’t sure she ever wanted children, but her baby girl has turned out to be the best little surprise she ever could have imagined.

“I was so shocked when I found out I was pregnant,” shares Tonica. “I went into panic mode – I was acting like I was 16, not 29! But Mum was so happy, she started crying when I told her. She said straightaway, ‘Sweetie, you can do this.’ And when I got my head around it, I went all-in. I got obsessed with everything about being pregnant and having a baby. Now I can’t imagine life without Ala.”


The loving support of whānau is what makes this family tick and, unsurprisingly, Megan – who had Tonica when she was just 18, followed by daughter Tiara and son Trey – has been there every step of the way since Ala was born. She and mum-of-five Nat look after Ala for a full day every week, and Tonica knows her devoted mum will drop everything if she needs her.

“I joked the other day that Mum would probably breast-feed Ala if she could,” laughs Tonica, whose former All Black dad Pita is also a hands-on grandad, not to mention Brandon’s doting parents Donna and Troy, whom the couple live with.

“We have a huge village helping us – we’re so lucky,” smiles Tonica. “You see your parents grandparenting and it’s so different to how you’ve seen them before. It’s all love – it’s so cute and very healing. Everyone’s very gushy and mushy with Ala.”

Tonica Alatini with her daughter Ala

Tears flow as Tonica talks about what her own mother has taught her. She says the biggest lesson she has learnt is to trust yourself and your own instincts. She also showed her that you can still achieve your dreams while being a mum at the same time.

“We were always the top priority, but at the same time, I saw her doing things that she loves,” says Tonica. “I’ve always seen my mum having so much fun, and being happy, vivacious and adventurous. Growing up was so much fun for me and I hope I pass that approach on to Ala.”

Megan happily admits she’s become “completely obsessed” with baby Ala – who is of South African, Tongan, Māori and German descent – and she loves the freedom that comes with grandparenting. She describes it as a love completely free from the anxiety or pressure that can come with parenthood.

“You know the way people say the joy of it is that you get to give them back? Well, that is actually true. It’s not so much the giving back as a full night’s sleep! As much as I love being a grandparent, I also have my own life and new phase. A reminder I’m the grandma, not the mum.”

Megan Alatini with her mum, daughter and granddaughter on a couch
Megan’s mum Barbara is revelling in the new arrival. “I’m a girl-power great-gran,” she says.

Megan says she’s grateful every day for her eldest child.

“Tonica and I have shared our life journey and grown up together in a lot of ways,” tells Megan. Her younger kids both live in Australia. Trey, 19, is a rugby player and influencer, while Tiara, 21, works in fashion and is a DJ.

“Being a teen mum was a steep learning curve, but one I’m so grateful for now. I still have the energy to be a hip, funky, legit grandma! As soon as Tonica was born, she became the focus and the reason.”


And Megan credits matriarch Barbara for the values, strength and wisdom passed down through the family. The retired school teacher, who fled South Africa’s apartheid regime in 1987 to start a new life in New Zealand with her then-husband and four children, is the guiding light in their lives.

“Mum taught us the old-school values of truth, honesty, care and respect,” enthuses Megan. “She taught us to lean into who you really are, rather than what society tells you to be. I guess we’ve learnt our purpose in life is to uplift others, but also to lift up and believe in yourself too.

The Alatini women with baby Ala

“Mum’s support has always come without judgement. It was just, ‘As long as you’re not hurting anyone, you do it your way and here’s some guidance. Take it or leave it.’ She taught me that as long as we’ve got the child’s benefit at heart, that’s the right way of raising kids. And here she is still today, doing the same thing as Great-Grandma.”


And Nana Barb is as besotted with baby Ala as the rest of the clan. She sees the newest arrival as an extension of her daughter and granddaughter, and couldn’t be happier to have welcomed another girl to the brood.

“I’ve always loved women and girls,” says Barbara. “I’m a girl-power great-grandmother and I feel so blessed to have so much womanhood in my feminine realm.”

She says embracing Ala for the first time felt like holding Megan and Tonica at the same time too. “All three of these girls are wrapped up together for me. It was very profound.”

Megan Alatini with her mum and daughter
The trio now have a wedding to plan. “I just want to turn up and look fab,” tells Megan.

And now as this trio of strong, independent women look ahead, it’s clear there’s so much to be thankful for. Not only will Megan be busy in her work as a wellbeing and diversity advisor, performer and MC, not to mention being Nani Megz to Ala, she has a wedding to plan too!

She can’t wait to make it official with Nat, who proposed on Waiheke Island on New Year’s Eve 2023, with the pair planning a romantic destination wedding.

“I just want to celebrate this whole new journey for us and I feel determined not to stress about it… too much!” she laughs. “I just want to turn up, look fab, share the experience with nearest and dearest, and party. It’s going to be fun.”

And Megan’s girl gang will be right there in the front row cheering her on. “Mum seems super-in-love and however that looks, we’re with her,” says Tonica. “Besides, everyone loves a good wedding!”


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