The most romantic day of the year, Valentine’s day is a fantastic opportunity to show those you love just how much they mean to you – we chat to Kiwi celebrities to see how they’re spending it.
Jane Wills, 28, & Leo Maggs, 28

Jane, will you be marking Valentine’s Day with anything special?
We celebrate our relationship every month, so Valentine’s Day will just be a casual dinner for us. If we do go out to a restaurant, though, I’m a control freak, so I’ll always be in charge of which one we go to!
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for Leo?
For our anniversary, I had a photo book made of our most recent trip to Europe.
What makes a perfect Valentines present for you?
Leo bought me tickets to Fiji for my birthday – I felt so lucky. A perfect date for us, though, is a relaxed evening with good food, good wine and no pressure for any grand gestures. Although maybe another trip to Fiji would be good!
What do you love most about each other?
I love Leo’s unwavering support and kindness. He says he loves my passion and creativity.
Jane stars as Dr Phil Grayson on TVNZ 2’s Shortland Street, and Leo stars in the Netflix drama Sweet Tooth.
Grant Kereama, 57, & Lisa, 56, executive assistant

Are you a fan of surprises, Grant?
I’ve never been keen on them, but that doesn’t stop Lisa! She’s surprised me many times. On our first Valentine’s Day in 2016, she arranged an evening at Wellington Zoo. It was the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me. We were treated to a packed picnic basket and Champagne, and spent a wonderful few hours with the animals.
Have you ever surprised Lisa?
When I was planning my big proposal, I had no idea she was planning a surprise birthday for me! Lisa arranged for my friends to take me to a rugby game so she could decorate the house. When I came home, she met me at the door, made me put on a military uniform and took me to the lounge, which was adorned with camouflage netting, and all our friends and family had dressed in military theme. Even my dad wore his actual dress uniform and medals. I loved it.

How will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day this year?
We’ll be going back to Wellington Zoo to celebrate 10 years. It’s on a Friday this year, so we might make an even bigger night of it.
Listen to Grant on Weekends with Grant Kereama on Coast FM and Gold Weekends.
Harry McNaughton, & Koz Dickinson, CEO

What’s the most romantic thing your partner has ever done for you, Harry?
He quit his job, moved cities and moved in with me, three weeks after we met. That was almost 11 years ago!
What’s your idea of a perfect Valentine’s date?
We love any excuse for a beautiful meal together. And if we happen to get a little bit tipsy and laugh too loudly at old stories… that’s a bonus!
What’s the most romantic gesture you’ve ever made for Koz?
I proposed to him on New Year’s Eve in Queenstown. But I can’t tell you any more – further details redacted for propriety!
Have you ever had a Valentine’s disaster?
We’ve definitely forgotten it was Valentine’s Day in the past and been reminded – by my mother. That’s not ideal!
What do you love most about Koz?
I love his kindness, his ethics and his curiosity. He’s also ridiculously good-looking, which helps!
Harry stars in the musical-comedy series Happiness on Three, out later this year.
Andrew Mulligan, 49, & Emma, 45

What will you be doing this Valentine’s Day, Andrew?
This year will be different. Usually we don’t celebrate because every day is like Valentine’s Day in our marriage after almost 11 years. But on Valentine’s Day last year, Emma had brain surgery as she had a brain bleed that wasn’t getting any smaller, so the incredible doctors and nurses delicately inserted a stent in her head.
Do you have any Valentine’s Day traditions?
Not really, but last year I gave her a red wax candle of a hand flipping the bird as a way of saying where to go to all the medical challenges she’s been through and will be facing in her recovery. I might make that a tradition now.
What’s the most romantic thing Emma has ever done for you?
Until last year, I’d probably have said saying yes to marrying me. But now, it’s staying alive as an incredible wife and mother to our two boys, Cooper, 11, and Miller, four.
What do you love most about Emma?
The list is endless. She’s a fantastic wife, mother and businesswoman, who juggles everything with grace and style, and improves our lives. Last year reminded us that life can be so precious, so this Valentine’s Day will hold a different and very unique meaning for us.
Listen to Andrew on The Morning Rumble on The Rock, 5.30am to 10am weekdays.
Toni Street, 41, & Matt France, 40, events specialist

Toni, what’s your worst Valentine’s Day disaster?
Matt booked a surprise Sydney Harbour cruise one year and it was a total shocker! Terrible food, and a really bad singer and entertainer. It worked out to be quite hilarious, though – we still talk about it!
Any Valentine’s Day traditions?
Matt always wakes up and hides a card in the car before I go to work so I have something first thing in the morning – no easy feat as I start work at 5am! I’ve never seen him do it – he’s very sneaky.
Do you like Valentine’s surprises?
I do, but Matt knows to check the sports schedule first to make sure there are no clashes!
What do you love most about Matt?
He’s a wonderful, calming influence. I can be quite hectic, but he’s very grounded and supportive – nothing rattles him.
Matt, what do you love about Toni?
The genuine time, care and compassion she shows to everyone. She gives everything she has to the people around her – it’s so special to spend my life with such a kind and caring presence.
Listen to Toni, Jase & Sam on Coast FM’s Feelgood Breakfast Show, and We Need To Talk with Toni Street podcast.
Candy Lane, 66, & fiancé Ricky Hancock, 52, dancer

Have you ever managed to surprise each other?
I’m the one who normally surprises him because I’m a bit of a control freak, but sometimes I do love a surprise! We’ve just come back from a holiday in Bali, where I arranged a surprise romantic birthday dinner on the beach for him. It was just the two of us, surrounded by a heart made from candles, and we were served and entertained by Balinese dancers – it was all done just for us.
What do you enjoy doing on Valentine’s Day?
We will probably go out for a meal near where we live on the Gold Coast and enjoy a lovely bottle of bubbly to go with it. It’s important for us just to spend time together as we both have pretty hectic schedules. We flick a coin to see who gets the Valentine’s evening massage!

What does Ricky particularly love about you?
When I asked him, he responded with “the way you make me feel”. I love that – and it’s ditto for me on that one!
Candy is a former Dancing with the Stars NZ judge and dance coach, who now lives in Australia.
Wilhelmina Shrimpton, 34, & Ben O’Keeffe, 35, rugby referee

What’s the most romantic thing Ben has done for you?
On our second date, he emailed my business email as if he was a potential client. He gave me a time and attached a map of Auckland’s CBD with two unnamed locations marked with a lightning bolt – a special symbol to us. He then gave me a series of clues to work out where we were going. He’d talked to one of my best friends to discover what my favourite restaurants were! It was the most romantic little treasure hunt.

And the most romantic thing you’ve done for him?
We’d only been on a couple of dates but we knew this was something special, and work commitments meant we’d be apart for 97 days. I wanted to get him a special gift, so I found out what type of [referee] whistle he uses, tracked one down, and got it engraved with our initials and the date we met. The whistle is still going strong today – it made its debut at the 2023 Rugby World Cup!
Will you be doing something special for Valentine’s?
You don’t need to give us an excuse! Ben’s returning from refereeing the Six Nations in the UK, so I suspect we’ll go all out.
Former Newshub, TVNZ reporter and Today FM host runs her own media company,
Dave Letele, 45, & Koreen, 39, hairdresser

How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day, Dave?
This is our 10th Valentine’s together. We might go for a hike up Rangitoto, which is what we did on our first one in 2015.
Any Valentine’s disasters?
Our first trip up Rangitoto! I organised this massive picnic, but didn’t realise how big a hike it would be. It was so tiring carrying everything up! Koreen carried the smaller bag, but it ended up having all the heavy stuff in it!
0What’s the most romantic gesture you’ve ever done?
Dave: I think proposing at the top of Mount Maunganui was pretty romantic!
Koreen: I didn’t know it was happening as I had a friend there at the time. Dave said he’d run ahead, which wasn’t unusual, but this time he’d gone ahead to try and find the perfect spot where there wouldn’t be anyone to interrupt!
What’s your idea of a perfect Valentine’s?
Resting together and not being in a rush to go anywhere or do anything.
Former professional boxer and rugby league player Dave is a motivational speaker. He also runs the Butterbean Motivation programme (BBM).
Megan Papas, 40, & Andrew, 30, singer

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
1We haven’t made plans for this year, but there will be food involved, I’m sure! Whether it’s dinner out, or cooking something for ourselves, it’s nice to share some delicious food together because mealtimes are usually a pretty rushed affair. My perfect Valentine’s Day is just having the chance to spend some quality time together, whatever that looks like – anything that isn’t admin or child-related!
Are either of you good at surprises?
I love surprises! We are both really good at letting go of control, showing restraint and not spoiling the surprise. For Andrew’s birthday, I’ve done a treasure hunt before – I wrote out little rhyming clues on where he could find his presents. He’s a singer, so I’ve also surprised him by travelling to his shows multiple times.
What’s the most romantic thing Andrew’s ever done for you?
My husband is such a marshmallow! He proposed to me during a private sunset dinner in Rarotonga, but he’s been known to leave me cute little post-it notes, makes me homemade soup when I’m sick, runs me a bubble bath and has a wine waiting for when I get home from work. I’m pretty lucky. He also buys me flowers every Valentine’s.
Listen to Megan, Jono and Ben on The Hits Breakfast from 6am weekdays.
Lorna Riley, 57, & Mike Wake, 55, businessman

Will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day this year?
2Unfortunately not. Although it’s our first Valentine’s together, I’m undergoing a double mastectomy four days earlier, so I’ll be in recovery mode. The silver lining is that it will hopefully give us many more Valentine’s Days together.
Who’s the more romantic?
I’m realising I need to up my game! Mike is definitely better in the romance department. He took me to Queenstown for our first weekend together and flew me to the top of a mountain, bought me the Trelise Cooper dress I wore to announce my engagement in the Weekly and proposed on a bridge in Venice! For his birthday, though, I made him a Scrabble artwork with his name interlinked with the names of his kids and dog, and the word LOVE. And I wrote our initials on a window in a love heart so when it next fogged up, he’d see it!
What’s the perfect Valentine’s date?
As long as we’re together, I’m not fussed about the particulars. But I do love a soppy card! Making dinner together, then having some laughs while we eat, perhaps with a glass of prosecco.
What do you love about each other?
Mike: Lorna’s a one-of-a-kind soul. No matter what’s going on in her own world, she somehow sends that care over the airwaves and touches people nationwide. Her love of bright colours, her care for her kids and grandchildren, and how she never judges people.
Lorna: Mike’s giant heart, his warmth and compassion, wicked sense of humour and for always having my back. Loving him is effortless.
3Listen to Lorna on Coast FM from 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday.