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Wardrobe warfare

Dear Wendyl, I’m 16 and I have an annoying little sister who is 14. My problem is that she’s always borrowing my clothes so I can never find them when I want them. And then, when I do, they’re filthy and stink! oy mum says we have to sort it out between us. But my sister totally ruined my new top the other day. I felt like thumping her. Help!*


Jenny, email*


Dear Jenny, I grew up next door to a family of three sisters who were always yelling at each other over clothes and constructing ever more elaborate ways of stealing things they wanted to wear out of each other’s bedrooms. In the end, one of the sisters left her really nice clothes at my house for safekeeping. The nice side of me would suggest giving your sister one last chance. But we both know the answer lies in a lockable suitcase or a padlock on your wardrobe. I’m sure your mum won’t mind if it means some peace and quiet.Wendyl


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