For a lot of people, the beginning of a new year means the start of new resolutions and goals to become fit and healthy.
Be it giving up coffee, alcohol or sugar, trying to improve sleeping habits, or squeezing in some more exercise, the beginning of a new year feels like the perfect time to start afresh. All too often however, our good intentions and motivation fizzle out within a couple of months.
In the January issue of Good Health & Wellbeing, Dr Libby explores why this happens and the best ways to support yourself and your wellness throughout 2019.
She shares her best tips and advice to improve your health over the course of 12 months, with a different focus for each month of the year, starting as gently as just getting honest with yourself in January and reflecting on what behaviours and beliefs might not be supporting your own health and happiness.

As the year progresses, she suggests looking at different areas of life and wellness. The first six months take a look at priorities, physical symptoms, nourishment, gut health and immunity.
Dr Libby recommends listening to your body with more kindness and curiosity.
“If you’re experiencing a symptom such as digestive complaints, PMS, fatigue, sleeping troubles or recurring headaches, consider if it is your body sending you a message asking you to eat, drink, move, breathe, think or perceive in a different way.
“And if you’re feeling energised and vibrant, see it as a message from your body that it’s happy with what you’re doing,” she says.
The second half of the year dives into all things self-care – stress, sunshine and celebration.
At a time of year when the wheels start to fall off, she explains the ins and outs of stress and the power of restorative practices to improve sleep, energy, digestion and weight.

Whatever your goals and resolutions might be for the New Year, or however quickly you slip up, Dr Libby encourages you to celebrate your wins and remember that you can always start again or try new things.
“You are in the driver’s seat of your life. In any moment you have the choice to open to new ways of thinking and being,” she says.
Grab a copy of the January issue of Good Health & Wellbeing to read the full story and get the low down on her 12 months of wellness.