When it comes to the health questions women want to know, Dr Libby Weaver says the reason behind so many of them is surprising: a lack of self-worth.
“We wouldn’t make half the choices that we make if we were really in touch and in awe with ourselves. That’s not meant with any kind of conceit, but it’s the knowing in your heart that you’re meant to be here on the planet, and that you’re important and have something to contribute. When you’re more in touch with that, I do think it changes everything.”
In an exclusive interview with The Australian Women’s Weekly, Dr Libby talks about self worth, physical wellbeing, and finding joy, as well as her latest mission when it comes to women’s health: the complex and emotionally loaded world of beauty.
In her latest release, The Beauty Guide: Your body, biochemistry and beliefs, Dr Libby tackles the subject through the three pillars that have defined her work: biochemical, nutritional and emotional. All three aspects, she says, have equal importance when it comes to our overall health. It’s something she learned early on in her career, when she was seeing clients one on one. They would ask for advice for a particular problem, she would design an action plan for them, they would return six weeks later and they wouldn’t have done it.
“They’d feel awful about themselves and it would break my heart… that’s where my question came in: why do people do what they do, even though they know what they know?”
Her core belief, Dr Libby says, is that it all comes down to a perceived loss of love.
“You won’t be able to make nourishing choices if you don’t think you’re worth taking care of.”
Dr Libby shares her latest advice and information for women’s wellbeing in The Australian Women’s Weekly, and talks about the surprising challenge that changed her career forever.

For the full story and more great reads, get your copy of The Australian Women’s Weekly, on sale now.