Everything in the universe is made from chemicals, which means it isn’t strictly accurate to claim that something is “chemical-free”.
However, some man-made chemicals such as artificial preservatives can conceivably do more harm than good when it comes to our skin, so opting for “natural” oils and creams based on fruit, flowers and derivatives such as honey certainly seems a wise idea. It’s an added bonus that such products tend to smell good too, and you can also be sure they haven’t been tested on animals – which is an important consideration for many of us.
While it’s impossible to actually prevent ageing, scientists are actively engaged in researching antioxidants and their potential benefits in keeping our bodies healthy and looking youthful. Pomegranate, for example, is believed to have beneficial qualities as a food due to its antioxidant properties, so it makes sense to incorporate it into your skincare regime too. Natural beauty products are enjoying a huge wave of popularity which suggests many users are seeing good results.
For hydrating and nourishing skin, look no further than manuka honey. As an ingredient in products such as lip balms and soothing creams, manukau honey is a great moisturiser for your skin.
Rosehip oil, avocado oil and almond oil are all good ingredients to look out for, as they provide a rich base to any creams or oils for your skin, without clogging pores. Use pure oils will also provide more benefits.
Body or face scrubs containing salt as a base are good for the skin, just make sure the scrub also contains oils to replace the moisture you lose through scrubbing.
Aloe Vera is a wonderful skin sMother – use it straight from the plant on minor skin irritations, or as a base for skin products.