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Luminous skin tips

Winter provides the perfect opportunity for a brightening lift – it’s your time to shine.

Skin appears luminous when it reflects the light. The trouble is, things such as blemishes and dark spots can act as traps, absorbing light instead of reflecting it and making skin seem dull. That’s why “brightening” products are huge right now. Winter is the perfect time to work on your skin tone as there’s less exposure to damaging UV rays. Here’s what you need to know.


Uneven tone

Many Asian women have understood for years that wrinkles aren’t the only things that age us. Apparently, uneven skin tone can add an average of 10 to 15 years to a woman’s perceived age. In this country, the sun is the main cause of brown spots, but discolouration can also be caused by acne scarring, harsh skin treatments and hormonal issues.

The most effective thing I’ve tried so far is IPL (intense pulsed light). In this clinic-based treatment, pulses of light are aimed at the skin. These heat up the pigmented area, which first darkens and then, over the following days, eventually flakes away.

A numbing cream is applied first so the sensation should feel no worse than having a rubber band pinged against your skin, although I found it especially uncomfortable on the delicate area round the mouth. A single treatment takes about half an hour, but for optimum results you may need to return for more. It’s vital to go to a reputable clinic or medi-spa as in the wrong hands light treatments can damage skin.


The other option is a mild course of chemical peels. However, again, it’s wise to be cautious since harsh peeling will only cause more pigmentation to develop. There are lots of topical treatments to choose from. They won’t work as fast as IPL but regular use should see brown marks fade.

What you should do:

  • DO protect your skin from the sun throughout winter and summer. Any benefits from brightening treatments will be instantly reversed by UV exposure. A broad spectrum sunscreen – plus a hat and sunglasses if you’re out in the sun between 10am and 3pm – is a must.

  • DO treat brown spots on areas such as the backs of the hands and décolletage.

  • DO exfoliate regularly – but go for gentle treatments as harsh scrubbing will only damage the skin, encouraging more pigmentation to form.

  • DO remember that UVA rays can penetrate glass so you’re exposed if you sit near a window or spend lots of time in the car.


**Danielle Hawkins (34) is an Otorohanga vet and the author of Dinner at Rose’s (Allen & Unwin, $35).


My beauty philosophy is… Seeing as my beauty regime consists of putting on moisturiser and brushing my hair almost every morning, I’m not really sure I’m qualified to have a beauty philosophy. However, wearing clothes that suit you rather than slavishly following the current fashion, having nicely groomed eyebrows and fingernails and shoes that match the rest of your outfit has got to be a good start. I keep thinking that one day, when I grow up, I’ll achieve all that, but I seem to be leaving my run a little late.

The skincare products I can’t live without are… Dove Summer Glow. It smells nice, it builds up your tan gradually and removes the risk of turning yourself streaky and orange, and it moisturises your legs at the same time. So clever.

My haircare secret is… In the morning, when you realise you really should have washed your hair last night and it’s looking depressingly limp and greasy, the French plait is your friend.

The must-have products in my makeup bag are… Sally Hansen Lip Inflation and a mascara.


My favourite beauty treat is… A pedicure. It’s so nice to have well-groomed feet.

My biggest beauty sin is… Squeezing spots. I know it will make them worse and I’ll regret it, yet I still do it.

The best thing my mother taught me about beauty was… Always wear sunscreen and a hat. I don’t always bother, but I know I should. Mum does, religiously, and her skin is lovely.


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