Any day is perfect for a swipe of sexy red lipstick. Here’s what you need to get your lips oh-so-kissable
Exfoliate your lips with an lip exfoliator or try brushing gently with your toothbrush.
Prime your lips with a lip cream – this will hydrate your lips and make lipstick less likely to bleed into fine lines around your lips.
Take a good lip brush (buy the best you can afford and look after it – it will look after you) and brush your lippy evenly over your lips.
Gently blot with a tissue.
Reapply lipstick and then tidy up the corners and edges with a matching lip pencil. Remember, especially with strong lip colour, not to try to increase the fullness of your lips by going outside your natural lip lines – work with what you’ve been given.
If a solid red lippy is a little too much for you, try a red-tinted lip gloss or even colour in your lips with a lip pencil and then add a lick of clear or tinted gloss.