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Punch-ups, arrests and theft: Which Married At First Sight Australia brides and grooms have fallen foul of the law

What a bunch of cowboys!
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As all seasoned Married At First Sight viewers know, the show’s producers have been caught out more than once by revelations that their cast members have criminal pasts.


In the 2019 season of MAFS Australia, it was uncovered that groom Dan Webb, who entered the experiment with bride Tamara Joy but left with Jessika Power, had been charged with fraud to the extent of millions of dollars, after allegedly taking part in a telemarketing scam on the Gold Coast.

Then in New Zealand we discovered that 2019 groom Chris Mansfield was wanted in the US on a domestic violence charge. Producers kicked him off the show and his scenes were edited out before the series went to air.

This season’s MAFS Australia cast are not squeaky clean either, with one bride – who will surprise you – admitting she’s been in a bar brawl and one groom confessing to getting arrested for urinating in public. Several have also committed theft, and while most were kids when they stole, one of the brides was an adult at the time of the crime.

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In a tell-all interview with NW, real estate agent Aleks, who comes from a conservative Serbian family, admitted that she has been kicked out of a bar before: “I got into a punch up,” she explained.

Pharmacy manager Vanessa has also been given the heave-ho from a bar, admitting, “I have been kicked out of one of Australia’s largest bars… it was very public.”

Many of the cast members confessed to shoplifting when they were younger including Amanda, Chris and Poppy – who left the show suddenly last week.

Mikey, who is married to Natasha, was particularly deviant as a tween, confessing, “I was in year eight, we used to go to the two dollar shop and put the little bracelets we thought were cool as kids and we’d hide them in our slushies from 7/11.”


Aleks’ TV husband Ivan revealed, “Yeah I think when I was a kid, a toy car or something like that or a bath bomb.”

Mum of two Mishel owned up to stealing a macadamia nut or two.

Bartender Tash stole fruit from a supermarket when she was doing her weekly shop: “I got banned from Woolworths for stealing an avocado, or I put it through as a carrot and I got banned,” she revealed, adding. “You guys haven’t heard that one before have you? That’s my deepest darkest secret!”

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And the groom who got arrested for urinating in public?

That claim to fame goes to Connie’s husband Jonethen, who admitted that as a teenager he was put in handcuffs for relieving himself in public.

“When I was at schoolies, I got done for peeing in public,” he shared.

Well, at least it’s not as bad as fraud or domestic violence…


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