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Mel’s big break: ‘It’s cool to be over 50’

Despite some tough challenges, the radio star is living her best life
Mel Homer smiling in front of a lemon treePhotos: Amalia Osborne

When it comes to getting older, broadcaster Mel Homer has decided to embrace every age and stage over 50.

“When I hit 50, I had a sort of midlife crisis,” admits Mel. “It’s the age many women feel invisible – we shouldn’t, but we do.

“For years, I lied or was vague about my age, because I knew if I said how old I was, I’d be written off or put in a cupboard somewhere. I worried I wouldn’t get certain jobs if people knew my true age. These days, though, it’s cool to be over 50.”

The 54-year-old shows no signs of slowing down. She runs the afternoon newsroom for multiple radio stations, including More FM and The Breeze, was the voice behind hit reality show Married At First Sight NZ on ThreeNow, and in 2023, she entertained the nation with her performance on Celebrity Treasure Island.

With Celebrity Treasure Island cast mates
Mel and Celebrity Treasure Island teammates.

It’s a full schedule for the broadcaster and mum of three, who lives in Auckland with her husband of 24 years, Andy Pilcher, 51, sons Jesse, 23, Finn, 21, and Tom, 17, plus their two dogs, Pepper and recently-adopted three-legged Huntaway cross Gypsy.

But after a lot of soul-searching, Mel says she’s determined to learn to care less about what people think and appreciate what she has – even though it comes with its challenges.

“I have hypermobility syndrome, which means I’m super-flexible,” she shares. “It was great fun as a kid, as I could freak people out with my bendy arms! But now, because I’m so flexible, my joints don’t stay in place.”

Two years ago, Mel damaged her hip in a surfing injury, and despite injections and treatments, it’s not getting better – something the sports-loving presenter struggles with.

“Having hypermobility makes you clumsy, which I am,” she admits. “I damaged my hip again after slipping on a footpath when I returned from Celebrity Treasure Island, then a few months ago, I broke my ankle after falling over literally nothing. I’m a very active person and I love adventures.

Mel on a sail boat
Adventurer Mel racing a classic yacht.

“A couple of years ago, I was part of a delivery team sailing a yacht from Cairns to Darwin, which was amazing. I love cycling and sports, but at the moment, I’m having to be a bit careful. I’m still going to Pilates, but I probably shouldn’t. I’m hoping a new treatment later this month is going to make it all better.”

Mel’s also battling menopause symptoms, including anxiety, osteoarthritis and brain fog, which she’s taming with oestrogen patches.

“God, menopause – we women need a degree in physiology to understand it!” laughs the former TV presenter of The Café. “I had no idea just how far-reaching menopause is.

“We’re told about mood swings and hot flushes, but so much else goes on. When I started getting brain fog, I honestly thought I was going mad.”

Mel Homer surrounded by her sons, husband and their two dogs
Mel’s got a full house with (from left) Finn, Andy, Tom and Jesse, plus pooches Pepper (left) and Gypsy.

Luckily, she has a houseful of support. “Yep, there’s no empty nest here – they’ve all come home again!” she grins. “Jesse’s back so he can save money – he’s going to Otago University next year to do a Masters in business data science, and he’s going to Nepal in September. Finn did a film and television course last year, and is working on multiple film sets around Auckland, and Tom’s doing a two-year yacht rigging apprenticeship.”

Mel says she’s loving having all three boys in the house. “They all have really different personalities. Jesse’s incredibly focused and wants to work in research data, crunching the numbers. Finn, our creative one, is doing really well – competition for graduate jobs in film and television is fierce! Tom’s our impulsive one as he left school at the end of Year 12 once he’d decided what to do with his life – and it was absolutely the right thing for him.”

While she’s having to curtail her sporting activities, Mel’s found a new hobby – crocheting.

Mel wearing a purple, green, gold and white scarf she crocheted
“I made the scarf myself!”

“I took it up while I can’t surf and I’m loving it!” she smiles, as she proudly reveals her first crochet creation to the Weekly – a little whale she made for Matilda and Art Green’s baby girl Penelope. “Matilda and I were on Celebrity Treasure Island together in team Tohorā – which means ‘whale’,” she explains. “My boys think it’s hilarious that I’m crocheting. They call me Nana, but I think it’s cool.”

But whether she’s crocheting or working, Mel’s ready for whatever life throws at her.

“I reckon I’m approaching my best years,” she grins. “I know I’m good at what I do and I’ve learned to appreciate how lucky I am. We spend a lot of time feeling we aren’t enough. But I’m working on accepting that I’m one of many strong, independent women over 50 doing incredible things. This is our time!”

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