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Kura’s big summer plans

The Shortland Street actress would invite three very special individuals to her summer barbeque...

What are you most looking forward to in 2025?


I’m really looking forward to some new international adventures and broadening my horizons in my work. I’m taking my comedy show Here if You Need to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival at the beginning of the year and hoping to spend some time in Australia getting some acting work. I’d also love to get back to London and make some new work there. Exciting times ahead!

Are you someone who makes New Year’s resolutions? If so, what are they for 2025?

Yes, I find New Year’s resolutions fun and inspiring. I’ve tried to set realistic goals, but I enjoy saying ridiculous things too, like, “I’m going to run a marathon.” This year, I think my resolutions will be to build new work overseas, keep having fun and joy, and to ride my bike more often!

If you could relive one summer from your past, which one would it be and why?


There are so many good ones, but I think I would have to choose any summer I have spent in Tokomaru Bay on the East Coast. This is where my dad’s side of the whānau are from and it’s a very special place to all of us. Total paradise.

Kura on a beach with her dog in summer
Chilling with pooch Tui.

If you could invite three people – living or historical – to come to a summer barbecue, who would you choose and why?

Sadly, I never got to meet either of my grandfathers as they both had passed before I was born, so whenever this question comes up, I like to say “my two granddads”. I would love to have a beer with them both and get to know them. And for my third person… Beyoncé, obviously!


Best place to swim in New Zealand?

Ōhope Beach, hands down. Big, long stretch of beach, never crowded, warm, easy surf and dog-friendly! It’s perfect.

Kura stars in the upcoming series Bryn and Ku’s Singles Club on The Spinoff TV, out February.


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