Jordan Mauger might be an actor, but he needs to work on his poker face. Indeed, Ceri McVinnie’s elimination from The Bachelor New Zealand last night came as no surprise to the bubbly beauty queen who cottoned on to the assistant film director’s rejection tactics.
“Jordan is a nice guy and he doesn’t like letting us girls down, but he makes it pretty clear who won’t be getting a rose – he simply avoids talking to you at cocktail parties and making eye contact,” explains Ceri, “I knew for certain my time was up.
“Obviously I was feeling a little disappointed because rejection always hurts. But I didn’t cry, which is a big thing for me, I’m a very emotional person, so I think if I had liked him as much as I thought, I would have been a blubbering mess.”

Jordan Mauger and Ceri McVinnie on the show.
The 24-year-old teacher-in-training admits she might’ve got a bit carried away in the “bachelor bubble”, with a damning conversation about family last night simply highlighting their differences.
Says Ceri, “I stand by my views about children. I have no pressure from my family to pop out some grandkids in a hurry, my Mum and Dad just want to see me happy and settled – having children isn’t in my immediate future.
“I do think kids are something Jordan wants, and probably sooner than I do, but I don’t think it’s the only reason I got sent home, we just didn’t have the spark that he did with some of the other girls.”
Although the clucky Bachelor, 32, isn’t The One, Ceri’s wasting no time getting back on the dating scene – she’s finally got the hang of swiping on Tinder and has been feeding countless messages from potential suitors online.
“I’ve had people contacting me on Instagram and Facebook. Some just want to take me out for coffee but I had one guy who said he’d marry me – woah, slow down, buddy!
“It’s quite a relief my fate is finally out in the open, but I do wish Jordan luck. He has a very hard time ahead of him, everyone left in the house is amazing in their own way. My only request is if they get married, can I be a bridesmaid?”

Ceri McVinnie stopped by the Woman’s Day office and met with Ashleigh McEnaney [Right] and Ella McLean [Left] from our team.