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Actress Brynley shares her tips to the best summer ever

According to the star, a game of spotlight should certainly be on your summer to-do list as an adult
Brynley Stent smiling on a beach

Favourite memory of summer as a kid?


I’m originally from Christchurch, so my favourite summer memories were spent swimming in the beautiful Canterbury rivers, such as the Ashley Gorge or the Waimakariri River. It was the ’90s and my parents would pack a picnic, grab a couple of old beach chairs, and we’d hop in our little blue car and find a secluded spot where we could spend the day swimming, making mini river dams out of rocks, looking for cockabullies and lying on the hot river stones to dry ourselves.

What lesson from 2024 are you bringing into the new year?

Tell the truth faster.

What do you want to leave behind in 2024?


I want to spend less time worrying about my body image. We’re only on Earth for a short amount of time and I’ll be damned if I spend that time spiralling about how I look in a pair of togs.

Brynley on a beach in the summer when she was a kid

Are you someone who makes New Year’s resolutions? If so, what are they for 2025?

Less of a resolution, but I normally try and pick one personal challenge for the year. Last year it was to drink no alcohol – except on dates, which I’ve allowed myself to have a drink or two for Dutch courage! It’s been a lot easier to achieve than I thought. I haven’t decided my challenge for 2025, but I was considering either ditching the car or going pescatarian [not eating red meat or poultry].


What is your favourite summer sport or outdoor activity?

My friends and I, who are all in our late twenties and thirties, sometimes play the outdoor night game Spotlight. It’s thrilling! I’d highly recommend it if you have not played this as an adult.

If money was no object, what kind of summer party would you host?

I’d fly all my friends to a Greek island so we could recreate the plot of Mamma Mia!


Brynley stars in the series Bryn and Ku’s Singles Club on The Spinoff TV, out February.

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