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Madonna: never to be a judge

Madonna would never be a judge on a television talent show.


The Masterpiece hitmaker – who was at one point rumoured to be in talks for a slot on the US X Factor  – insists it is not a route she would want to go down because she doesn’t want to judge people.

Asked if she would ever consider sitting on a panel, she said, “I haven’t really thought about it to tell you truth and I’ve never actually seen any of those shows. I don’t watch television. And the contests, well everybody’s a bit contest obsessed.

“I don’t actually like the idea of being a judge. It’s so subjective – like what’s good and what isn’t?”

The 53-year-old singer, who has daughter Lourdes(15), son Rocco (11) and adopted son David (6) and daughter Mercy (6) – admits that despite the worldwide hype, she does not know who boy band One Direction are.


On the subject of the X Factor runners-up, who have been whipping young girls into a frenzy across the globe, she said, “That’s a pop group, right? Sorry,” before confessing, “I haven’t seen them yet, no, sorry. Slap my hand.”

But one artist she does have her eye on is Adele, who she reveals she would “love” to work with.

In an interview with UK morning show Daybreak, she said, “I would love to. I would love to meet her, I think she’s brilliant, I love her.”


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