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Madge bans daughter from being Harry’s girl

Madonna has forbidden her daughter Lourdes to audition for the next Harry Potter' film. The Hung Up’ singer refused to let her nine-year-old daughter try for the role of Luna Lovegood in the next installment of the `Harry Potter’ series. Despite her daughter begging to be a film star, Madonna is said to want Lourdes to wait until she is older to decide her future. A source says,


“Lola printed off all the information and showed it to her mum. She’s convinced she has the other-worldly qualities Warner Brothers are looking for.

But Madonna pointed out they’re looking for girls aged between 13 and 16 so she is much too young. Lola had a massive sulk and complained that producers would overlook her age because she looks and acts much older than her years.” [18 January 2006]

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