‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Kate Walsh admits when it comes to love, she’s a late bloomer – but with her 40th birthday imminent, she’s now ready to get her love life in order. The actress – who plays man-eater Dr. Addison oontgomery-Shepherd on the hit show – says, “In the past, I’ve been work, work, work. It’s so new to me to date more than one person at a time. Sometimes I feel like, `What am I doing? Am I becoming my character, or is my character becoming me?'” However, her work schedule won’t slow down if the proposed spin-off starring her character goes ahead. But when Kate does find her real-life ocDreamy, he doesn’t need to be as hunky as her onscreen love interests. “I don’t need someone with a hot body,” she says. “He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It’s very much about style and substance and humour, interest, curiosity and really being smart.” [12 March 2007]