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Health scare for pregnant Lily Allen

She was devastated after suffering a miscarriage a couple of years ago and now a pregnant Lily Allen’s had a terrifying new health scare. The ‘Not Fair’ singer is being treated for whiplash after falling over at a London restaurant.

After her tumble, Lily (25) told fans, “I fell over in the foyer of The Wolseley this morning. Très embarrassing! Hurty wrist!” She later added, “owwwwww-ch! oy neck hurts! Feel free to insert sexy-time-related joke here, but still not funny. My neck hurts a lot.”

Lily received medical treatment the next day, posting on her Twitter site: “At the doc’s. It’s whiplash from my fall yesterday. oh, dearie me!”

Fellow diners who witnessed her fall say it was shocking to see. one tells, “Lily really hit the deck. She tried to laugh it off but it must’ve hurt.”

She and boyfriend Sam Cooper are expecting their first child in early 2011.

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