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Gwyneth Paltrow shares her parenting philosophy

Gwenyth Paltrow, motherhood, the conversation, interview, parenting
Gwenyth Paltrow, motherhood, the conversation, interview, parenting

Many parents have very specific ideas about who their children will be when they grow up – whether it’s following in the footsteps of the parent, or living parental dreams.

But for Gwyneth Paltrow, her focus is on raising her children to be who they are. In an interview with Amanda de Cadenet on the TV show The Conversation, Gwyneth opened up about her parenting philosophy.

“With my daughter, the most important thing is that she emerges,” the actress said. “I’m so interested in who she is, not who I want her to be.”

It appears to be something that she was gifted with from her father Bruce Paltrow, with whom she had a close relationship.


“When somebody says, ‘What makes you think you can do all this stuff?’ It’s because he told me I could from the time I was… probably before I could speak. He really thought about what he was saying, how he was relating to us. He wanted our opinion; he wanted to hear our jokes. He really bolstered us as people from the time we were tiny.

“It’s funny because in a way it’s given me a strong sense of self, it’s given me confidence and self-acceptance and then on the other hand, I’m just as f***ked up as anybody else.”

The mother-of-two also talked candidly about the demands of motherhood. She admitted to having the “had enough feeling”, but also acknowledging that this is not the type of mother she aspires to be.

Gwyneth is married to lead vocalist of UK band Coldplay, Chris Martin, and they have two children together – Apple and Moses.


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