Rated M.
Heath Ledger’s brilliant performance as the maniacal Joker in The Dark Knight casts a long shadow over its Batman successor, The Dark Knight Rises, but thankfully shadows are what director Christopher Nolan does best. The epic conclusion to the trilogy ups the ante on its predecessors with some amazing action and a stellar script. A broken Bruce Wayne is pulled out of his self-imposed exile by a savage masked terrorist, Bane (played by a glorious Tom Hardy), and forced to don his cape again.
Christian Bale trumps all other comic book heroes once more, playing a gritty and tortured Batman, and Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman is a departure from previous campy incarnations – making her the best female action character on the big screen. Some might find this film long and complex, and although not perfect, it’s dazzling A+ filmmaking.
Rating: 5/5