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Ex-friendly Rachel McAdams

Actress Rachel McAdams always stays friends with her ex boyfriends.


The Vow actress – who has been in a relationship with Michael Sheen for 18 months – feels “tenderness” towards her former partners, which include Ryan Gosling and Josh Lucas, because of the things they have taught her.

“Am I still friends with my old boyfriends? Yes, absolutely. There’s no-one who’s ever been significantly in my life for whom I don’t have a sort of tenderness because they helped to shape who I am.”

“However long someone is in your life, they’re there to teach us something and I try to make the most of any relationship.”

The 33-year-old beauty values humour most in a boyfriend and she thinks it is particularly important to be able to laugh at problems.


She added to Britain’s Hello magazine, “First and foremost, a sense of humour [is attractive]. You can have passion, you can have interests in common and all the other good things. But if it’s to be a long-term relationship, then you’re going to need something to get you through the trials and tribulations.”

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