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Americans are very confused about fairy bread – and it’s hilarious

Fairy bread might be a staple at children’s birthday parties, but if you believe one popular American food website, it is something our Aussie neighbours eat three times a day.


The well-respected, and very popular food website Epicurious has just got all excited about fairy bread – even sharing a recipe (in which they advise cooks make their own butter).

Titled “Australia invented the original rainbow food”, it described the party delicacy as “weird” and then proceeds to tell Americans how and when those silly Australians eat it.

“Despite its striking appearance, in Australia, fairy bread isn’t considered fancy food—the toast is usually eaten as breakfast, as a snack in-between meals, or after dinner to finish off the meal.” it wrote.

It then went on to recommend fairy bread as a wedding cake substitute.


And here is its recipe – certainly a little poshed up (no mention of the supermarket white sliced bread, spread with marg and then dipped spread down onto a plate filled with hundreds-and-thousands).

“To make fairy bread, use a nice cultured butter (even better, make your own) and spread it on thick; about 2 tablespoons per piece of toast. As for the sprinkles, although classic round rainbow sprinkles are traditional for Aussies, I much prefer the texture of sparkly sanding sugar, which makes the treat more like the sugared toast I grew up with. But since there are almost as many different types of sprinkles as there are rainbow foods, you can have a uniquely decorated fairy bread every day of the week.”

The author also delved into the history of fairy bread, and apparently it is also sometimes called “fairy toast”. It was apparently inspired by a Robert Louis Stevenson poem which included this line: “Come up here, O dusty feet!/Here is fairy bread to eat./Here in my retiring room, Children, you may dine”.

How very cultured (like that butter they recommend) we Antipodean fairy bread-eaters are.


If you can’t remember how fairy bread is actually made, someone has kindly tweeted a recipe:

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