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“It’s breaking my heart…” Why Serena Williams’ confession about motherhood hits so close to home

“I almost need my mom to come and hold me to sleep [because] I'm so stressed.”
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Sure, countless rounds of new mum-and-bub selfies may paint the picture of parenthood perfection, but the reality is that bringing up a newborn baby can also, at times, be painfully tiresome work – and doesn’t Serena Williams know it…


Yes, tennis star Serena, who gave birth to Alexis Olympia in September this year, is struggling with her little girl’s teething pain – something that is, in her own words, breaking the 36-year-old’s heart.

“Teething – aka the devil – is so hard,” she tweeted. “Poor Alexis Olympia has been so uncomfortable. She cried so much (she never cries) I had to hold her until she fell asleep.”

“Nothing is working. It’s breaking my heart. I almost need my mom to come and hold me to sleep cause [sic] I’m so stressed. Help? Anyone?”


One Twitter user showed Serena her support, saying: “This is every single new parent. We’ve all been there. It is so tough and it is completely okay to want your mom and to want sleep and to want to cry for a hundred years.”

Another agreed, adding, “This is when we begin to understand that age old saying “it takes a village to raise a child”. Hugs to you new mommy [sic]. It will get better.

This comes just two weeks since Serena took to social media to express her joy of breastfeeding little Alexis.


“Fellow mums: How long did you breastfeed? Is it weird that I get emotional when I even just think about when it’s time to stop [breastfeeding]?”

We feel you, Serena. We feel you.

Whether you’re struggling with breastfeeding or even getting your little one to sleep, visit the New Zealand Health Department’s website for help services for new parents.


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