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Dear Wendyl,I feel so empty. I’ve got two lots of neighbours – on one side is married couple and on the other is a male friend the same age as me. I had a big disagreement with the wife of the married couple. She turned very nasty and has now turned my male friend against me. I’ve tried texting him but he doesn’t reply. Do I back off?Feeling Empty, email



Dear Feeling Empty,What a sad old predicament you’re in. I know that fighting with your neighbours can be upsetting because it affects your home and the place you feel safe. But I think you might need to spread your socialising away from home for a while. You could make friends at work or through sports or some other activity that takes the emphasis away from the neighbourhood for a while.

I think you’ll get a bit of perspective if you do and suddenly your own episode of Neighbours At War will seem less intense. And if men don’t text back, it means they’re not interested, so yes, back off. Good luck with the new friends, and after a bit of time, think about apologies, forgiveness and all those tough things we have to do to make things right.Wendyl


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