Seeking: James Masters. Born between 1943 and 1946 in Hamilton. Originally from Chartwell. Lived at the Windsor Hotel, Whangarei from 1964 to 1965. Worked as a builder. Phone: Maree, (09) 435 7167 or send mail to 5 Ford Ave, Kamo, Whangarei.
Seeking: Family of Graeme Sinclair, please phone: Ivan Sinclair, (09) 279 9027.
Wanted: I live in Christchurch and to cope with aftershocks I’m keeping busy with crafts. I’m seeking a replacement to a pattern for knitted Christmas puddings (the ones you stuff with sweets for a gift). If anyone has this pattern and other novelty things to make or wool donations, please contact: Karina, PO Box 27239, Shirley, Christchurch 8640.
Reunion: Springfield Indoor Bowls Club 50th anniversary, June 3 at 2pm. If interested, phone: Doreen, (03) 318 4822 or Judith, (03) 318 4887.
Wanted: Cross-stitch patterns of a dahlia and a Christmas rose in a September 2006 English Woman’s Weekly. Phone: Pauline Walker, (06) 343 5563 or write to 200 Anzac Parade, Wanganui East, Wanganui 4500.
Wanted: I misplaced a magazine with an advertisement for free telephones for deaf people. Can anyone help me find the organisation? Please contact: Sonja Verang-Smith, 22 Lewis St, Blenheim, or phone (03) 579 6255 or, (03) 577 9932.