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Monopoly cuts three classics from the game but reveals new replacements

Which tokens got the boot?
Popular board game Monopoly reveals new game pieces.Getty Images

Monopoly maniacs around the world have spoken and iconic tokens the boot, the wheelbarrow and the thimble are out, but three new pieces have made the grade.

New tokens stepping up to pass Go are a duck, dinosaur and a penguin – all given the green light by fans of the ever-popular board game.

A survey polled more than 4.3 million Monopoly players across 100 countries to find out which tokens fans favoured the most, and wanted to see in the next generation of the game.

Taking out the top spot on the fan-picked list was the ever-popular Scottie Dog, coming in with 212,000 votes.

Securing second place was newcomer to the pack T-Rex, with game original, the car, coming in third.

Monopoly reveals a first look at the tokens which made the cut. Photo: Supplied

Relative newcomer to the pack, the Hazel the cat – introduced to the game in 2013 continues to prove popular, and while the battleship will set sail on the high seas of chance once more , the token’s last place position doesn’t bode so well for its future.

Two of the figurines voted off the popular board game – the boot and the thimble – were part of the original token set included in the game created in the 1930s.

Original inspiration for the tokens came from the game’s inventor, Charles Darrow, who modeled the set on a charm bracelet belonging to his niece.

Worldwide fans of the game voted for pieces in eight different categories. Photo: Supplied

The tokens were updated in the 1950s when the lantern, purse and rocking horse were replaced by the wheelbarrow, Scottie dog, and horse with rider.

50 game pieces were up for the vote this time round including emojis, inventions and fashion tokens.

“The next generation of tokens clearly represents the interests of our fans around the world and we’re proud to have our iconic game impacted by the people that feel most passionate about playing it,” said Jonathan Berkowitz of Hasbro games.

The new pieces will be available to buy for a short period, but all Monopoly games will be updated in September.

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