Around 200 people attended the funeral for the stillborn baby who was abandoned on a footpath in Oxford, England.
The little girl, who police named Riahana, was found on the path on February 29, and police later established she had been stillborn.
While authorities have appealed for the mother to come forward, so far no one has. It prompted police to invite the wider community to attend the funeral and naming ceremony for the young bub.

“No matter how small the lead, we will follow it up,” Det Insp Jim Holmes – the officer who named her – said in a moving speech delivered at Raihana’s graveside.
“We will keep on trying to find your mother. That is my promise to you.”
The service was carried out by a celebrant from the British Humanist Association, who said: “The little girl we are saying goodbye to today remains unknown.
“Her mother unfortunately has not come forward so we know nothing about her family or her heritage.
“We can’t say if her mother had any personal religion.
“We have our humanity in common, knowing it is what brings us together today.
“This little girl is one of our own and one of our community.
“We are giving her a home in our hearts.”
A sign beside the small grave read: “RIP Raihana. Born asleep February 2016”, and the baby’s grave was covered with flowers and soft toys.