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Knitting pattern – tea cosy

With retro style well and truly back in fashion, there's no better way to brighten up an often daily ritual - enjoying a pot of tea. So why not bring old-fashioned charm back to the timely tradition with this delightful tea cosy you'll be proud to tell visitors you made all yourself.

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What you needPAToNS CLASSIC ToTEo 8 PLY 50g ballsoain colour:

  • o – 4330, black

Small quantity each of 6 contrast colours:

  • C1- 4318, red

  • C2 – 4320, purple

  • C3 – 0051, white

  • C4 – 4321, pink

  • C5 – 4316, yellow

  • C6 – 4338, green

Use only the yarn specified. other yarns are likely to produce different results. Quantities are approximate as they can vary between crochet workers. Check the ball bands to ensure all yarn is from the same dye lot.


  • 4mm (UK 8) crochet hook or size needed to give correct tension

  • Wool needle for sewing seams

Skill level:Easy

oeasurements: To fit a 4 to 6-cup tea pot, measuring (approximately, around lower edge) 45cm.    Length (approximately) 17cm.

Tension:17dc and 21 rows to 10cm over dc fabric, using 4mm hook. To work a tension square, using 4mm hook, make 25ch. Work 30 rows dc fabric. Fasten off.Check your tension carefully.If less sts use a smaller hook, if more sts use a bigger hook.

Special abbreviations:

  • yoh wrap the yarn around the hook to keep stitches equal

  • tr below 1tr around next st

  • 2 rows below – yoh and draw up a loop around body of next st 2 rows below (inserting hook from right to left), (yoh and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice (do not work into corresponding dc of previous row).

  • Dec (draw up a loop in next st) twice, yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

  • Dec below yoh and draw up a loop around body of next st 2 rows below (inserting hook from right to left), yoh and draw through 2 loops on hook, rep from once and around next st, yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Side of cosy: make 2 pieces. Using 4mm hook and o, make 45ch.1st row – oiss 3ch, 1tr in each ch to end… 43tr, counting turning ch as 1tr.

2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end, working last dc in top of turning ch.

3rd row – 1ch, 1dc in each of first 2dc, (tr below) 3 times, 1dc in each of next 6 sts, (tr below) 3 times, rep from   to last 2 sts, 1dc in each of last 2 sts.

4th row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end. Rep last 2 rows until work measures approx 15cm from beg, ending with a 4th row.


Shape top:1st row – 1ch, 1dc in each of first 2 sts, (tr below) 3 times, (Dec, 1dc in next st) twice, rep from to last 5 sts, (tr below) 3 times, 1dc in each of last 2 sts… 35 sts.

2nd and foll alt rows – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.

3rd row – 1 ch, 1dc in each of first 2 sts, (tr below) 3 times, (Dec) twice, rep from to last 5 sts, (tr below), 3 times, 1dc in each of last 2 sts… 27 sts.

5th row – 1ch, Dec, (tr below) 3 times, Dec, rep from to last 5 sts, (tr below) 3 times, 1dc in each of last 2 sts… 21 sts.


7th row – 1ch, 1dc in first st, (tr below) 3 times, miss one st, rep from to last 4 sts, (tr below) 3 times, 1dc in last st… 17sts.

9th row – 1ch, 1dc in first st, Dec below, rep from to last 2 sts, tr below, 1dc in last st.Fasten off.    

Pansies:Make a total of 25 pansies all using o for centre and 5 each using C1, C2, C3, C4 or C5 for the petals.Using 4mm hook and o, make 4ch and join with a sl st to form a ring.

1st round – 1ch, 10dc in ring, sl st in first dc.Fasten off.Join contrast colour with a sl st in any dc.


2nd round – 2ch, (1tr, 3dtr, 1tr, 1htr) in same st as sl st, 1dc in next dc, (1htr, 1tr, 3dtr, 1tr, 1htr) in next dc, sl st in next dc, (1htr, 3tr, 1htr) in next dc, sl st in next dc, rep from twice more, sl st in 2nd ch at beg.Fasten off.

Leaves: make 9.Using 4mm hook and C6, make 10ch.

1st round – oiss 1ch, 1dc in next ch, 1htr in next ch, 1tr in each of next 5ch, 1htr in next ch, 3dc in next ch, working along other side of foundation ch, 1htr in next ch, 1tr in each of next 5ch, 1htr in next ch, 1dc in next ch, sl st in first dc. Fasten off.

To make up:Join side seams, leaving openings for spout and handle. Run a gathering thread around top of cosy, draw up tightly and fasten off securely.


Using C5, embroider a Bullion St centre on each pansy. Sew pansies and leaves in position, as illustrated.

TREBLE BELoW (tr below)Step 1 – Wrap the yarn over the hook and insert the hook from the front to the back of work to the right-hand side of the next treble of the previous row. Take the hook across the back of this stitch and bring it out to the front to the left of this stitch. The hook is now around the stem of the treble of the previous row.

Step 2 – Complete a treble stitch in the usual way, drawing the first loop around the stitch in the previous row.A raised treble will appear on the front of the work.

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