We’ve all had those moments when wine has splashed all over a brand-new pair of pants or a sip from a takeaway coffee cup has ended up down your front. The secret to erasing the resulting stains is to act fast.
My first reaction is to grab the garment and put it under cold running water to let the water run through the fabric and take the stain with it. Add a little bit of soap, rinse and the mark will usually disappear. Here are some other stain-removal ideas I recommend.
Blood stains
If you get onto it straight away, treat it with cold water and soap. Or soak the garment overnight in a bucket of water with ½ cup washing soda. Or spray with soda water.
Butter, grease or make-up stains
Dab on undiluted glycerine as a pre-wash treatment, then soak in a bucket of water overnight with ½ cup washing soda. If that doesn’t work, try using eucalyptus oil to dissolve the stain or, if you don’t have that, some turps – dab it on with a cotton ball.
Fresh grease spills will also benefit from a thorough puff of baby powder. Douse the stain (liberally) in powder and press it in to stop the stain and wait 5 minutes for the powder to soak up the grease before brushing it off, good as new.
Chewing gum
Go for eucalyptus oil dabbed on neat. You can try freezing the gum, then pulling it off, but that has never worked for me.
Use glycerine as a pre-wash, then try a paste of baking soda and liquid soap.
Grass stains
Dab on glycerine or distilled white vinegar.
Ink spills and stains
Dab on milk and distilled white vinegar, or cut a lemon in half, dip it in salt and rub it on. You could also try soaking the stain in vodka.
Perspiration stains
If it’s an old stain, try white vinegar. I’ve had some success using meths, plus you could try glycerine.
Douse with soda water or rub on a paste of baking soda and water. White wine poured onto a red wine stain will also work if you do it straight away.