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Prime and bare it

Sashay into summer with confidence by taking steps now to do a little body maintenance. Claudia Renford explains how to get started.
Get ready for summer with these five body maintenance steps.

Do you dare to bare?


As we swap sweaters for swimsuits it can be daunting to reveal more and expose those ‘neglected bits’ that have been in hiding for the past few months. However just a little preparation can go a long way to healthy, glowing summer skin.

An all-over body exfoliation once a week is the first step in taking your body from drab to fab. Lisa Migliore, celebrity tanner and head educator at Moroccan Tan, describes it as a “quick fix” to improve skin tone. “It eliminates nasty toxins that make the skin look tired and dull,” she adds.

Exfoliating with a sugar scrub, primer or body polish all over buffs away dead skin cells and leaves your skin feeling polished, nourished and cleansed. It also provides the ideal smooth canvas for a moisturiser to penetrate deeper into the skin, rather than sit on the surface.

When it comes to lifting, firming and smoothing our way into summer, all-over body fixes are great, but some areas do need a little more TLC than others…


A bodacious back

‘Bacne’ – yes, it’s a thing, and one that often comes to the surface after being snuggled up all winter in layers of clothing, which results in sweat and oil glands being trapped with dirt and bacteria, causing pimples. Hormones can also play a big part.

In order to prevent this and prep for sun-kissed, smooth skin, a good back wash will help, but don’t fall into the trap of considering bacne something ‘dirty’ that needs a good scrub – being aggressive will only cause more damage to the skin. Instead, use a mild wash and gently massage over the area with a body sponge or back brush (designed to get to those hard-to-reach spots). A wash that contains a mild dose of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide will help unclog pores, kill bacteria and wash away excess surface oil. Follow with a good moisturiser.

Think about what you will wear in summer too – light-fitting clothes in natural fabrics such as cotton and linen will allow skin to ‘breathe’ and reduce the chance of pimples.


Quick fix: As tempting as it is to ‘pop’ pimples, it can cause more irritation – so don’t try and squeeze. Instead, use a spot corrector or book in to a beauty therapist for a back exfoliation massage.

Baby got back; Try: 1. Evolu Triple Action Spot Crisis Control Gel, $30. 2. Natio Acne Clear & Protect Daily Protection SPF 15 Oil Free Moisturiser, $18.50. 3. Eco Tan Anti-Acne Face Tan Water, $30. 4. QVS Body Massaging Brush, $25.

Doing the leg work

As hemlines rise and legs are exposed, we can’t avoid thinking about hair removal. Shaving is one of the cheapest options – and we no longer have to put up with those nasty disposables that nick and irritate the skin, as there are some much more gentle, user-friendly versions around.


If using a razor in the shower, try waiting for 15 minutes before shaving, to allow the hair follicles to open and soften the skin.

If you prefer an epilator, you should exfoliate a day before you plan to use, as this helps prevent ingrowing hairs. Be warned that epilating can often leave red lumps (especially for first time users), so do it at least a day before you plan to bare your bod in a bikini!

If you’re considering permanent hair removal with laser, you should start now, as it is best done while tan-free (including fake tan).

Nicky Shore, owner and founder of Off Wax and Laser, suggests having some growth at your consultation, to help assessment for treatment. “As hard as it sounds, this means no waxing, plucking or trimming for at least four weeks [prior]!” she says. Depending on your hair, laser can take at least six sessions to achieve permanent hair reduction, so get in early. Even with waxing you need time to prepare, so it’s a good idea to start now. “Before a wax you need at least one centimetre of hair growth and you will need a couple of waxes to receive optimum results,” says Nicky.


Quick fix: Razors are a quick way to get fuzz-free in a hurry, but use shaving gel or cream rather than relying on a lather of soap. If you have neither to hand, try a dollop of hair conditioner.

Leg work; Try: 1. Manuka ApiNourish Firm Body Moisturiser, $55. 2. Goodness Certified Organic Chia Seed Oil, $24. 3. Oasis Beauty Rhino Repair, $40. 4. Remington Cordless Wet/Dry Epilator, $150.

Summer soles

Conveniently hidden in shoes and tights, it’s not surprising our feet get a lot less attention during winter. As Cheryl Cooke, one of OPI’s top nail artists, points out, “During winter there is no incentive to keep your feet looking and feeling great.” However, your feet do suffer from the elements and become dry and cracked – even in winter. So now is the time to step up so you can step out.


Cheryl suggests maintaining feet daily in the shower by exfoliating the heels, sides and balls of the feet as well as your toes. “This is the best time to exfoliate as skin is softened and warmed by the water,” she says. Immediately afterwards is the time to trim nails, push back cuticles, and apply a foot lotion.

A weekly ‘at-home spa treatment’ is also beneficial: at night, soak feet in warm water for five to 10 minutes, adding a few drops of oil to nourish the skin. Then use a foot file to remove dead skin, before reviving with a hydrating cream. “Moisturising overnight allows the product to penetrate deep into the skin,” says Cheryl. For optimum results, massage feet to reduce puffiness.

And let’s not forget the tips of our toes – if you suffer from yellowing toe nails, Cheryl suggests this might be because you’re not using a base coat before polish. “To remove the yellowing, try lightly buffing nails with a fine cushioned buffer. Or soak nails daily in lemon juice, as it has a natural bleaching agent to brighten nails.”

Quick fix: Schedule a pedicure – it’s worth the investment for a quick solution. Opt for a pretty pastel polish or a bright summer shade.


Summer soles; Try: 1. QVS pumice and nail brush, $11. 2. Feet by OPI Double Coverage Lotion, $29. 3. Weleda Foot Balm, $24. 4. The Body Shop foot file, $9.50.

Neck and décolletage

Come rain or shine, the neck and décolletage are often the most neglected parts of the body, yet both areas are quick to show the first signs of ageing. Sensitive and delicate, they are more prone to damage than the face, so deserve just as much attention. Moisturising and protecting is key to prepping these areas and should be part of your daily routine.

Beauty therapist Terri Grace, director of Grace Beauty, says neglect can result in this region appearing darker and dryer than the rest of the body. “As the neck and décolletage become more exposed during warmer weather, it’s important to use a brightening and tightening product to help firm and moisturise the area,” she says.


You can use the same products here as you would on your face. After gently exfoliating chest and neck, use a firming serum, oil or moisturiser that is designed to strengthen the skin’s natural collagen and elastin production; those high in antioxidants are also good. Application is important – massage in slow circular motions from the centre of your chest to shoulders, and use light, gentle upward strokes for your neck.

Quick fix: Your neck, chest and shoulders will benefit by using an SPF daily, so if time is of the essence, use a moisturising SPF30+ to ensure both protection and hydration.

Neck and décolletage; Try: 1. Nimue Skin Refirmer, $195. 2. Clarins Super Restorative Décolleté and Neck Concentrate, $154. 3. O Cosmedics Antioxidant Hydra-Mist, $59. 4. Natio Renew Neck & Décolletage Cream, $28.50.

Ditching lumps & bumps


Cellulite affects everyone! Those unsightly dimples are simply fat under the skin that is pushing against connective tissue, causing the skin to pucker. But the causes are more complex, explains Nivea Skincare Expert, Robyn Hutch. “Known causes of cellulite include impaired microcirculation, changes to connective tissue, and an excess of subcutaneous fat cells that protrude into the dermis,” she says.

Despite what many believe, cellulite is not just related to excess weight gain – and losing a few kilos won’t eliminate it, although it can reduce the appearance. “The causes can be significant life changes, such as pregnancy or hormone fluctuations, which is why it’s more common in women than men,” explains Robyn. To improve the look of cellulite, try gently dry-massaging the affected areas. “Massaging decreases tissue swelling and fat-cell activity and activates circulation and your metabolism,” says Robyn.

According to Caci Product Trainer Linda Sharrem, opting for treatments or products that feature caffeine will help stimulate your micro circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Quick fix: Try a tinted moisturiser or bronzing gel that delivers a natural golden tan to instantly blur imperfections.


Bumps and lumps; Try: 1. The Body Shop Round Body Brush, $38. 2. Murad Body Firming Cream, $94. 3. Nivea Q10 Firming Body Lotion, $11. 4. Manuka Doctor ApiBronze Anti-cellulite Bronzing Gel, $50.

Words by Claudia Renford

Photos by Dimitris Skoulos/ Media, © Anna Omelchenko/Alamy Stock Photo, © allOver images/Alamy Stock Photo, and bauer studio (nz).

All prices are approximate


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