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Avoid bad hair days this party season

As the party season kicks into gear, avoid bad hair days with Pantene's new range. Sponsored content.
Say no to bad hair days

As the party season kicks into gear, making sure your hair looks and feels great is more important than ever.


A recent survey by leading hair care brand Pantene found that near one in four Kiwi women surveyed* would rather stay at home than venture outside, if they are unhappy with their hair. Meanwhile, a shocking 50% said a bad hair day leaves them feeling embarrassed and self-conscious.

Having luscious looking tresses has also been shown to boost self-esteem levels, with research* showing one-third of New Zealand women surveyed were more likely to be happy to take a photo with friends if their hair is looking good.

Psychologist Sara Chatwin believes the survey clearly illustrates the importance we place on our everyday lives.

“Whether this comes from within and is related to our own sense of self-worth; whether we have been conditioned by all the glamorous images we see of women with beautiful hair, or a combination of them both, who knows? The reality is that women are having ‘bad hair days’ and this is affecting how they perceive themselves and how they respond to different situations at home, socially and the workplace.”


As well as showcasing the importance Kiwi women clearly place on healthy looking hair, the study also found nearly 90% of women surveyed* admitted they are unhappy with their current hair care regime.

In response Pantene has launched the Pantene Promise, a new hair care formulation. “We are confident the new formulation promises up to 100% damage protection with a lightweight feel so women no longer have to compromise,” says Jane Wecker, Pantene brand manager.

The new Pantene range includes a Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal, Ultimate 10 shampoo & conditioner, Ultimate 10 BB Crème, dry shampoo, and 7 Day Smooth & Manageable Kit.

Study of 1005 New Zealand women, commissioned by Pantene.


Photograph by: Rob Shaw /

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