OK. Hold the phone. Married at First Sight Australia’s Nasser Sultan has been a bit of a chameleon this whole series, right?
First everything was great with his on-screen wife Gabrielle and he raved about how wonderful she was. But then the wheels began to fall off and his domineering side started to emerge.
He was hot and heavy with her at the start, but then complained about being “in the friend zone.”
He claimed to be a man-about-town. But was hiding not-so-secret obsessive cleaning habits. And let’s not even get started on how he thought Gab’s rental property was “possessed.”
Last week it was revealed that he was secretly seeing another woman during filming of the show.
Exhausted yet? Us too. But it doesn’t end there. Now, footage has emerged from an old episode of Pawn Stars where Nasser talks about his “wife and kids.”
Wait, what?
The eternal bachelor has famously claimed to be 50 years old and never been in a long-term relationship before. In fact, during his ill-fated home stay with Gab, he claimed to never have even slept over at a woman’s house before.
But here he is – plain for all to see – talking about his wife and children.
In 3-year-old footage, which you can watch in the player above, Nasser attempts to sell his slot car collection to – wait for it – “pay for his kids’ education.”
Nasser rocks up to Happy Hockers pawn shop to flog the prized collection. He tells the camera he’s “sad to see them go but the money that we get will go to the kids’ education.”
“They’re worth, probably about $500 new but today I’m hoping to get around about maybe $350.”
Hang on, let us get our calculator out. 8 cars at $350 each works out to be AUD $2,800. Not sure if anyone has told Nas how expensive it is to raise kids these days, but $2,800 won’t go very far at all.
But we digress.
Nas continues. He says he’s “been collecting for a while” and has “a massive set-up in the garage.”
“We used to race go-carts but in winter…you want to hang out with the kids.”
He gets on a roll and starts to explain how kids like to crash the cars, but not the Porches as they’re worth more money.
Riiiiight. That’s quite the yarn you’re spinning for us Nas!
But wait, it gets even better. Because then Nasser brings out his haggling skills and it’s a sight to behold.
The dealer offers him $235 cash. But Nas isn’t happy with that. He holds out for more. He counters with $240. It seems they’ve reached a stalemate. That $5 really is a sticking point. For a second there we think there isn’t going to be a resolution and it’s getting tense.
$235 the dealer offers again. But the stubborn Nasser we’ve come to know sticks to his guns.
“$240 and we’ve got a deal. My wife’s going to kill me” he says, eyes darting down towards the floor with the awkwardly half-smirking demeanour of someone who isn’t telling the whole truth.
Cut to Nasser outside the shop after the deal has been closed. “I would have liked to get a little bit more but it was pretty close,” he says.
“It’s sad to see them go but the money will be put to good use.”
Hmmmm. We just don’t know what to believe.
Eagle-eyed viewers have been quick to point out that Nasser’s ‘best mate’ Ben, who has appeared on episodes of MAFS, is actually one of the dealers from Pawn Stars. It’s his brother Aaron that Nasser so awkwardly haggles with over the cars.
So was it all an act for Pawn Stars? Or does he really have a wife and children he hasn’t disclosed previously? Either way he has a lot of explaining to do!