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Celebrity Treasure Island 2023: Get to know the 18 stars set to battle it out

Amid the stunning scenery of the South Island, your favourite stars share their strategies to take the title of Celebrity Treasure Island winner 2023
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TVNZ’s hit show Celebrity Treasure Island has confirmed it’s return to our screens, and with the renowned game show comes a highly acclaimed cast of local favourites.

A who’s-who of actors, comedians, sportspeople and activists are among the castaways who will be competing for reality show championship. Get to know the 18 stars below, set to battle it out amid the stunning scenery of the South Island.

*Celebrity Treasure Island premieres Monday 18 September on

TVNZ 2.*

Jazz Thornton, 28

Mental health advocate

How have you prepared?

I played a few sudokus and I was intending to go to the gym, but Lance Savali broke my hand and it hasn’t healed properly. Honestly, all I’ve done is eat as much KFC as possible and binge-watched the other seasons.

How will you cope without your creature comforts?

I’ll miss my phone and pillow. I didn’t realise you don’t get a pillow! On day two, I’ll be like, “Everything hurts!” I’ll miss my bed and good hygiene.

Blair Strang, 51

Shortland Street and Nothing Trivial actor

How will you cope without your creature comforts?

I love a quiet beer and I’ve got a sweet tooth, but I’m looking forward to getting rid of those because they’ve given me the

dad bod you see before you! Although I could be craving Maccas if I’m in it for the long haul.

What’s your greatest strength?

It may not look like it, but I played a lot of sports, so if the body holds up, I could be all right there. I’ve got leadership skills too, but I also like to be part of a team.

Courtney Dawson, 34

Paddy Gower Has Issues comedian

Who’s your biggest competition?

Eli [Matthewson] because he’s funny, smart and charismatic, but also really strong and fit. I know him from comedy, but I’m fangirling hard over everyone else in my team who I’ve seen on the telly. It’s so buzzy. Like, last year, I was working in a shop and now I’m on Celebrity Treasure Island!

What’s your goal on the show?

I want to push myself so hard that I either vomit or cry. I usually quit stuff, but this time, I’ll leave it all out on the dance floor, baby! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Grant Lobban, 50

Shortland Street actor

Who’s your biggest competition?

They’re all such nice people and I don’t really know them yet, but it would be big, strong Steve [Price] or Matt [Gibb] – everyone just wants to be friends with him. He’s a sweetheart.

What role will you take on in camp?

I’m an all-round guy. I’ll do a bit of cooking and the dishes. I’ll be there in the challenges. Once I relax, I might be a bit of a joker. People may expect me to be the class comedian, but I can be very quiet and serious.

Miriama Smith, 47

800 Words actress

How will you cope without your creature comforts?

I’m definitely going to miss my espresso coffee machine. Just a moment… oh, gosh, I nearly cried thinking about it.

Do you have any phobias?

Yes, fear of missing out! What’s your strategy? To take each day as it comes. I’ll try not to get ahead of myself or overthink it all. I’ll lean into all the surprises and opportunities.

Eli Matthewson, 34

Comedian and former Edge Breakfast host

What’s your greatest strength?

I’m puzzle-smart and more physical than people might think just because I’m 5ft 7 [1.7m]. And recently I’ve been able to achieve the things I’ve put my mind to, so if I can focus. I can win.

What lessons have you learnt from Dancing With The Stars?

The first week of DWTS, we got the best score and I was like, “I’m going to ride this all the way to the end!” The next week, I was gone. I’ve done the iconic early exit – now I’m in it for the long haul. Luckily, the public’s not voting!

Laura Daniel, 32

Taskmaster and Seven Sharp comedian

What are your greatest strengths?

I’ll be OK at the physical challenges. I love playing any kind of game and I’ve got enough positive attitude to get me through it. Unlike some of the others, I’m here to make friends – I wouldn’t want people to think I was too competitive or cruel.

What’s your most annoying habit?

Taking too long to get ready and I can be really indecisive, which I’ve been told is annoying. The group might be late to a challenge and I’ll be like, “I actually need five more minutes.” That’s when you’ll see me snap.

James Mustapic, 27

Seven Sharp comedian

What role will you take on in camp?

I love to do washing – that’s one of my favourite activities in the world. I find it really calming. But I don’t know how to cook. I’ve never cooked rice or beans. I’ll try to help out so no one will put me up for elimination. Being first out would crush me.

What’s the most random item you packed?

I packed some hair bleach. I’m worried that if I stay too long, I’ll start to get some regrowth.

Matilda Green, 33

The Bachelor NZ reality star

What’s your greatest strength?

I’m calm under pressure and I like to think that what I lack in physical strength, I can make up for in puzzles. I mean, I’ve probably done three puzzles in my entire life, but I did well at them! Also, people might think I’m a bit precious, so I’m really going to prove that I can get adventurous.

What’s your strategy?

To be unassuming. I’ll come in, make lots of friends and then, towards the end, come in with the sting.

Jordan Vandermade, 36

TV presenter and former athlete

What role will you take on in camp?

I’m the most competitive, intense person on the planet and there’s a bit of endurance still in these legs, but I’m also a hype man with positive energy. I’ll definitely be there for people to talk to.

How have you prepared?

Nothing specific, but I haven’t drunk for more than three years, which will probably help me physically.

Who would be your dream celebrity castaway?

Bob Marley would definitely be an incredible experience to be out on an island with – Bob Marley and his guitar!

Turia Schmidt-Peke

Shortland Street actress

What role will you take on in camp?

I thought I was going to be the joker, but now I’m on a team with all the comedians… Maybe I’ll just be the brown one who tells jokes? T¯ame [Iti] will be our provider since he grew up eating worms in the Ureweras!

What will you miss the most while you’re away?

My cellphone. But the charity money is a big drive for me to keep going and forget the outside world. However, by day five, I’ll probably be hangry, forget the cameras are there and snap at everyone.

Nick Afoa, 37

Musical theatre star

What’s your greatest strength?

My willingness to jump in is my biggest asset. Also my adaptability. I’m prepared to be unprepared. I just want to be a sponge and if there’s mayhem or inner turmoil going around, I can soak it in, sit with it, let it pass and carry on.


What’s the most random item you’ve packed?

Because we weren’t allowed to bring photographs, my wife gave me her green lavalava. I’m on the green team, so I’ll wear that a lot.

What’s your biggest phobia?

Spiders and most flying insects.

Matt Gibb, 42

TV presenter

What’s your greatest strength?

I’m not particularly physical, but I’m not unfit. I’m not particularly intelligent, but I’m not dumb. I’ve got a bit of everything, but not enough


of any one thing to be a threat.

What’s your most annoying habit?

Snoring could be an issue, but maybe it will be my toxic positivity.

What will you miss most while you’re away?

Coffee. It’s going to be interesting waking up and not feeling alive.

Megan Alatini, 46

TrueBliss popstar

What tips have your bandmates, former Treasure Island stars Joe Cotton and Erika Takacs, given you?


They said, “Just go out there and have fun!” But they’ve also shared that it can get dramatic and I need to watch for certain personalities.

What’s the most random item you’ve packed?

I packed way too many togs, but I want to be in this in the long run, so I need to have an array of swimwear and sarongs! I haven’t smuggled in any contraband, though – I don’t have enough pockets and cavities for that!

Tāme Iti, 71

Activist and artist

Why did you sign up?

I liked the idea around raising funds for a project that is dear to my heart [Mike King’s charity I Am Hope] and coming here is a real challenge. The whole set-up is mysterious – they don’t tell you what it is!

How will you cope with the limited diet?


The human body can handle just drinking water for a long time… Maybe it’s time to lose weight and take a few kilos off!

Steve Price, 49

Former Warriors captain

How have you prepared?

I haven’t eaten well, I haven’t trained and I’ve been sitting behind a desk for 12 hours a day. I’ve done the worst prep I can think of! I would’ve loved to do more, but I only got asked to compete a couple of weeks ago.

How will you cope with the limited diet?

I love food, but that’s why I am where I am, so it’s perfect timing. I don’t know whether I’ll be just having rice and beans when I get home, but

it’ll be good to get into a routine of eating better.


Mel Homer, 53

Radio and The Café star

What role will you take on in camp?

I’m good at cheering people up when they’re down. I’m quite caring and I’m a Cancerian – we like to mother them all. I’ll be giving pep talks, like, “It’s not that bad. Have some more beans and rice! Isn’t this fun? Look where we are!” It’ll be interesting working with all these different personalities.

What’s your biggest phobia?

I don’t like snakes, but it’s probably more relevant that I can’t stand the feel of wooden utensils, like wooden forks or ice-block sticks. They give me goosebumps. I hate it!

Mary Lambie, 59

Veteran radio and TV host


What role will you take on in camp?

If the other team members don’t know how to cook rice properly, then I may well become chief cook.

What’s your greatest strength?

People will learn they can trust me – I’ve got their backs. This may not pay dividends, but at least I’ll be able to sleep at night knowing I won’t do the dirty on anyone.

What’s your strategy?

I’ve given zero thought to strategy. You can overthink these things.

*Celebrity Treasure Island premieres Monday 18 September on

TVNZ 2.*


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