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The Bachelor reveals his dreams of being a dad

There’s far more to gorgeous Jordan Mauger than meets the eye.

Stepping out of Art Green’s mighty shadow is no mean feat (who could forget those muscles?), but the new star of The Bachelor New Zealand is taking it all in his stride as he begins his search for love.


With his piercing blue eyes and mischevious grin, Jordan Mauger (32) is easy on the eye, but that’s not all. He’s also a well-travelled film buff, family man and all-round Kiwi bloke.

Call him modest, but the Christchurch-based farm boy says he doesn’t feel like the perfect package. Twenty-three women had the chance to vie for his affections, and one of them could be the woman Jordan says he’s looking for, to share in his life and possibly start a family with.

Who will it be? The Weekly sat down with the newest bachelor to find out what makes him tick.

What did you want to do with your life when you were a kid?


When I was younger, I wanted to be an archaeologist – basically I wanted to be Indiana Jones. Well, it was a bit of a fusion of Mr Bean and Indiana Jones. I wanted to be funny and have a cool whip at the same time.

Tell us about your mum – how is she coping with her oldest boy kissing 23 women on national TV?

My mum always told me “loose lips sink ships”, and I very much want to stay afloat. As for my grandmothers, they are both still trying to get their head around just how many women there are!

Do you want to have a big family one day? How do you picture your life as a dad?


Yes, absolutely. I love being an uncle and would want kids someday, but don’t want to catapult myself into that right now. I never want to struggle into parenthood and I’d love to get a few things more established before I do. I’m a bit of a big kid myself.

What’s the one thing a woman could do to win your heart?

It wouldn’t just be one thing, it’d be one quality – an indescribable type of quality that keeps her from ever leaving your thoughts.

What about unattractive qualities that might put you off someone?


Being unfaithful, uncharitable and anti-social.

What’s your go-to date night meal to cook a girl? And if she’s cooking for you, what should she make?

Mince on toast. If she can put up with that, then she’s a keeper. That goes both ways – great minds think alike.


What about your perfect date?

It’s a date I’ve always wanted to take someone on, but to this day never have. I’d kit out a big Chevy truck with a mattress in the back and park up somewhere, perhaps by the ocean and definitely somewhere we can sleep under the stars – something a little less planned than camping. We’d drive out with some tunes and some cold leftovers, I’d put my guitar in the back and pack a bottle of whiskey.

How do you cope with stress?

A whiskey dram, dark chocolate and blues riffs on the guitar.


Have you ever cried – and why?

Yes, many times while cutting onions.

Who do you most admire in the world?

I admire many people but one in particular is John Oliver. It’s his comedy and the clever way he breaks apart serious issues.


Who is your Hollywood idol?

[American actor] Buster Keaton was a trailblazer on the silver screen and was incredible at making audiences laugh without words.

You’ve travelled a lot – what are your favourite places?

Alaska because the wildlife is truly wild; Vancouver because it has a beautiful marriage of cityscape and nature; and Mexico has the best tacos and tequila around.


What are your top three things on your bucket list?

Easy! Go on a husky sledding expedition in Canada, compete in an Elvis Presley tribute competition and walk the Great Wall of China.

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