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Pink pleads with Queen

Pink has asked the Queen to get rid of the bearskin hats worn by her palace guards. The singer – who supports animal rights group PETA – wrote a letter to Buckingham Palace saying, “Sorry to be a royal pain, but my feelings reflect the sentiment of a new generation that respects animals.” She added, “From what I hear, you’re a modern monarch – I’ve even checked out your website. So if you haven’t already, please visit PETA.org.uk, where you can see for yourself the distressing footage of what happens to these bears in Canada. I know that your Army Drummers’ cool leopard-skin aprons are synthetic and that the Royal Horse Artillery has fabulous faux-beaver caps. Isn’t it about time that your five Regiments of Foot Guards joined your other ranks by replacing real fur?” Pink is due to perform in front of the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and William and Harry at the Prince’s Trust 30th anniversary concert at the Tower of London tomorrow. [19 oay 2006]

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