I feel content when… Eating great food.
The song that always makes me want to dance is… Daft Punk, Lose Yourself to Dance.
My one desert island luxury would be… my fiancée Clarissa.
My ultimate dinner party guest would be… Hugh Jackman. I hear he loves French food.
I envy… People who have no fear of heights.
If I were brave enough, I would… Climb Mount Everest.
If I were a billionaire I would… Travel the world and help those less fortunate.
Top of my bucket list is… To travel around South America for as long as it takes for me to see it all.
The best thing about winter is… Soups!!!!
My advice to my younger self… Work hard and follow your dreams.
The best thing not yet invented… Slimming pills that actually work!
Biggest dinner faux pas… When people chew with their mouth open or talk with their mouth full.
Most of my time is taken up by… Work and my kids.
My hidden talent… DIY.
The person whose work I most admire is… Medical researchers.
My favourite day of the week is… The day I spend with my family.
The most memorable meal of my life was… at Robuchon in Hong Kong; it was where I proposed to Clarissa.
My favourite French phrase is… Ooh la la!
My favourite Aussie phrase is… ‘The duck’s nuts!’ (which means ‘the best’).
My last supper meal would be… A millionaire burger (beef patty, foie gras and truffle mayonnaise).
WATCH: Manu Feildel is the cutest dad ever!