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Michael Jackson

It’s not even three months since he died, but Michael Jackson’s half-sister JohVonnie has spoken out to say that meeting the late star was “the biggest letdown”, branding him “disinterested” and “cold”.


The 35-year-old, whose mother Cheryl Terrell had a 25-year affair with Michael’s dad Joe, met the King of Pop for the first time in 2003 with her little girl Yasmine. JohVonnie tells, “It was a bit moment for me, but Michael seemed cold. He just said, ‘Hi,’ then he saw my daughter Yasmine and was fascinated with her. He never acknowledged that I was his sister. There was no hug or kiss, not even a handshake. No physical contact at all. I wanted to embrace him. I thought he’d want to go some place quiet to sit and talk with me, ask me about my life and get to know me a little better. It was very hurtful.”

However, Michael was very affectionate to Yasmine, who was then eight years old. JohVonnie recalls, “She got hugs and kisses, everything I didn’t get. I was a little jealous… I never did get a chance to speak with Michael properly. I felt shut out.”

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