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Kylie dumps Robbie for Xmas

Kylie Minogue has ditched Robbie Williams from her Christmas dinner celebrations. The pint-sized pop princess decided to politely withdraw her invite to the fellow singer because of her boyfriend olivier Martinez’s fury at Robbie for confessing that he has a crush on Kylie. Kylie – who had struck up a friendship with Robbie after their duet `Kids’ in 2000 – made the festive gesture when she discovered Robbie (32) would be in her hometown of Melbourne for the last show of his world tour on December 18. A source says, “Kylie and Robbie are good friends and she hated the idea of him being alone over Christmas, when she lives so close. So she asked him to come to her family home for the day. But now she’s told Robbie that olivier might feel a little awkward in his presence. So Rob has agreed to find another shelia to spend Christmas with.” [30 November 2006]


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