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Juliette Lewis only wants children with Mr Right

‘Natural Born Killers’ star Juliette Lewis says she does want to have children, but only if she’s in a loving relationship with someone first. The 37-year-old has dated Brad Pitt in the past, and was married for four years to professional skateboarder Steve Berra, but is currently single. “I’d like children. But my yearning towards motherhood comes out of love; I have it when I’m in love with somebody,” she explains. “So it’s not just wanting to be a mum regardless. I only feel it if I’m in love, so we’ll see how that goes.” Juliette confesses a recent romance ended because both she and the unnamed man couldn’t make the relationship work while constantly travelling. “I was seeing someone who was really lovely who I liked a lot – he just lived on the other side of the world, darn it. Anyway, I love him a lot but we’re not together.”


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