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Dame Helen Mirren haunted by bikini pictures

Actress Dame Helen oirren will always be “haunted” by the picture of herself in bikini.


The 66-year-old actress was photographed wearing a red bikini while holidaying in Puglia, Italy, with her husband Taylor Hackford in 2008 – and gained much praise for her trim physique – but she admits she is not enamoured by it because she does not look as good as the shot implies.

“I think the thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life is that bloody photograph of myself in a bikini. In and of itself it is a lie, because I don’t actually look like that, and I know that is going to haunt me forever. I will be forever trying to bury it, unsuccessfully,” Helen says.

Despite this, Helen says she is always shocked when young women have cosmetic procedures to improve their looks and bodies.

“The only thing I don’t like on young people is plastic surgery


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