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BOOK REVIEW: Unbreakable Spirit

Karen McMillan's revised collection of cancer survivor stories is a useful resource, that now includes her own story.
Unbreakable Spirit by Karen McMillan

This collection of individual stories about New Zealanders living with cancer was first published in 2003 after author Karen McMillan lost both her parents to the illness in their prime. She wrote it to find answers to her own questions: How do people cope with their own mortality? How does cancer impact families? How do people cope with the fear the big C brings? Since then Karen has faced and survived breast cancer herself.


In this updated edition of her book she adds her own story and goes back to find out what happened to many of the people she interviewed for the first book. The result is a useful resource, which also includes information from hospice workers, a counsellor and medical specialists. Told with empathy, clarity and insight, Unbreakable Spirit will provide valuable support for individuals with cancer and the families and friends walking beside them.

McKenzie Publishing, $35.

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