In this humorous tale of fame and love, author P.J. Wallis is being swallowed by the popularity of her own creation.
As her life becomes overshadowed by the public’s love of her fictitious heroine, Monica, P.J. decides the only way to reclaim her life is to kill her off.
Between a bitter divorce and the demise of her friendship with movie-star bestie SondraBeth Schnowzer – who plays Monica in movie adaptations of the book – P.J. has a lot to cope with.
Candace Bushnell, also author of Sex and the City, has vehemently denied the book reflects her feelings about her famous fictional construction Carrie Bradshaw (or the actress who played her, Sarah Jessica Parker), but it’s an easy assumption to make.
The book’s final twist raises more questions than it answers, and it’s hard to like the flaky P.J., but Sex and the City fans will still enjoy it – particularly with rumours of a new movie rife.